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Today, Sherry and I decided we are not going to open any gifts at our orphans’ home until all four of our college students are home, including all of our employees who were kidnapped. Sherry has been wrapping Christmas presents by herself for three months. Today she is finishing up[…]

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Latest Update on Kidnapping

I found a signal for this message. We still have no internet at Love A Child. No phone service… Two of our Love A Child vehicles were taken by the 400 Mawazo gang. We confirmed 14 of our employees were kidnapped, including four of our Haitian children who are in[…]

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New TV Program “When it Rains it Floods” Begins Friday!

Living anywhere in Haiti is challenging, but the terrain in Boulay is exceedingly difficult to survive in. The families residing in the riverbed at the base of the mountain range are prone to flash floods. They are forever on edge; at the sound of rain, they must swiftly evacuate with[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“And if any man sins, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” 1 John 2:1-2 I have read this scripture many times and never[…]

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Urgent Urgent! Please pray…

We just found out that two of our vehicles following each other were kidnapped by the gangs carrying three or four of our college orphan students, employees, orphanage food, and two drivers. The orphans were our girls coming home for Christmas. Sherry and I are in tears. We are trying[…]

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Have a Heavy Load?

Do you have a heavy load to carry? Many times in our life, we have a heavy load to carry, but we don’t want to ask for help. But, Jesus is the “load bearer.” He said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavily laden, and I will[…]

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Jackson… to See Him Smile is a Miracle

Jackson is now a young teen and doing well for all he has been through. When we first found Jackson in the mountains, his uncle had brought him to us with a huge and swollen belly. He had the deadly Kwashiorkor malnutrition! He had been staying with a relative who[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t Let Anyone Steal Your Dream!” The Bible says that Israel (Jacob) loved Joseph, his son, “more than all his brethren, they hated him…” (Genesis 37:4) “And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.” (Genesis 37:5) When God gives us a “dream,” it is[…]

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In the midst of hunger, God gives a harvest!

Good morning… These pictures were taken this morning inside our Orphans’ home. Wow!! Look what God can do!!! You can read on Google or any news on Haiti about how Haiti is in severe hunger. Our Agricultural Training Center guys teach Haitians how to grow crops with drip irrigation, make[…]

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Greetings from Haiti!!

We are so sorry we have hardly had any internet! The place where the internet tower is for Digicel has been having its fuel stolen! That is why we have little internet. It is so scarce, especially here in Fond Parisien. All our children here are really looking forward to[…]

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