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Update on Widlene

Widlene is one of our brave cooks! She is taking a special college course, for cooking and decorating cakes, etc. Widlene “loves” to cook! She is always cooking something up for her “Poppie Bobby,” (even though he is on a diet!) She loves to make food “look good on the[…]

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Haiti… Good News May be Coming!

As you may know, Haiti is in “total chaos,” from one end to another! The gangs are in control! There is no law and order… manifestations are all over Haiti. Gangs are blocking the roads, burning down gas stations and buildings, and shooting people! Thousands of Haitians had to leave[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Sometimes we all are in a hurry for the Lord to answer prayers. Like driving through a fast food restaurant… I want my food now. The Bible says: “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” Psalm 27:14[…]

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Fritzner… He Smiles Even When He’s Working!

Fritzner is different than the other children. He has a calm spirit, nearly all the time. He is quiet, timid, and hard working. This year, he will be in 6th grade. He is so, so tall that he grows out of pants, all the time! He was just four months old when Pastor Justin brought this[…]

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It’s That Old Fashioned Thing Called “Chores!”

Lot’s of kids nowadays do not know the meaning of the word “work” or “chores!” When you have “a lot” of kids under your roof, everyone must work, and work with a good attitude! School has not yet started in Haiti, so our Children’s Home is really clean! Bedrooms are[…]

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“Dumolia’s Dream Comes True!”

Yesterday, we flew into Jamaica on a small plane to get Dumolia acquainted with her college at University West Indies, Jamaica, which has 20,000 students. Our new friends, Madamn Carol and her husband Derick met us at the airport and took us to the hotel. The next day, they took[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe: come, get you down; for the press is full, the vats overflow…” Joel 3:13 There are many ways we “preach the Gospel” in Haiti. Most of the ways, we do not use words, but we use “love!” Love speaks louder[…]

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Anna Jean (Hannah) Update

Anna Jean is now 18! It won’t be long till she finishes High School, and she will make a very important “life decision” … what she wants to be. We tell all the girls that they need to stand on their own two feet. They must be ready to take[…]

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Home School During Haiti Riots…

School in Haiti has been deferred twice and now three times. It was supposed to start last month, but now, it may not start again until October due to the gangs. We had to buy new black shoes, uniforms, backpacks, and books for all the children at our Children’s Home.[…]

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Urgent: “Pray for Haiti…”

Two major things… The price of fuel has doubled again for the second time in Haiti. No one can survive like this. Thousands of people are wanting the Prime Minister to resign! For the last three days, Haiti has been shut down, even all the way up to Cape Haitian.[…]

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