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ATC Practice with the Students Class Today

Below is an e-mail I received today from Wilner Exil, who is the head of the Love A Child Agriculture Training Center program. He is with our Agriculture Training Center students using our homemade organic fertilizes in our carrot fields. The carrots taste wonderful and are so healthy for the[…]

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Updated News

We just received word that we will be getting fuel this weekend, hopefully. If so, we will be delivering food to villages in “desperate need,” … especially the children. Thank you for your prayers. Bobby and Sherry

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LAC TV Program “Crumbs from the Table” Begins Friday!

Sometimes the Love A Child team must travel several hours to get to those in most need of assistance, however, Blanket is a village just twenty minutes from their Children’s Home that is full of families desperately seeking help. Mothers recount their experiences of abandonment and abuse; your heart will[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

A Purpose “Bigger Than You…” Human beings are a strange race… They often want to think of themselves as a big, important person. That’s why a lot of Christians fail to fulfill what God has in store for them. They have never learned to be “little before the Lord.” Joshua was a[…]

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Joshua… a Serious Five-Year-Old “Praise Dancer!”

Those of you who know “five-year-old” Joshua won’t believe this photo!!! We just recently celebrated a Birthday Party for several of our Love A Child kids. While doing “Bible Quizzes” and other games, one of our older girls said, “Mom and Dad, you should see Joshua do his Praise Dance[…]

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Good News Testimony!

I forgot to share with you the good news… last Friday our driver was taking our two college girls (Widlene and Fabienne) to our rented college apartment we have for them. (One for the boys and one apartment for the girls.) On the way down the road, the Papaya Gang[…]

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Fuel Shortage Affects on Haiti…

Update: No fuel yet at Love A Child. Very few gallons left. School in Haiti was supposed to start September 5th, but due to fuel shortage, gang activity, and insecurity, the Government says October 3rd, possibly. But we really have our doubts about that. All our college kids, high school,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” Galatians 5:14 Just think, all the law is fulfilled in this…“love your neighbor as much as you love yourself.” Wow! That’s a lot of love. Try it today! Do something kind[…]

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Samuel… A Young Man with “Many Talents!”

Samuel Orel is now 18. We were conducting a Mobile Clinic in the mountains of Demesseau. A very poor man came up to us as we were preparing to leave the mountains. Our team gathered around to hear this father’s story… he held a baby, Samuel, in his arms as[…]

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Urgent Prayer Request

Please pray a “fervent” prayer that we get a tanker load of diesel fuel as soon as possible! We are on the verge of running out of fuel for all our Love A Child projects and also for Jackson, who had to be on dialysis each night, all night long.[…]

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