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Our Most Important Job

Of all the things we do in Haiti, we feel that “feeding hungry children,” is our most important job. Unless you have lived here for many years, as we have, and seen the tears of the mothers and heard their stories of how hard it is every day, to feed[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, and to harken than the fat of rams.” I Samuel 15:22 I love the story of Jonah! I have felt just like him, many times. I’m sure you have too. God told Jonah to go to the great city of Nineveh, and “cry[…]

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Internet Problems

Sorry, we are having internet problems today. Hoping we will be able to post tomorrow. Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“If God be For Us…” Yes, those five words are guiding us each day… “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Rom. 8:31 Every one of us has trials and circumstances that we cannot control. Today, someone will be fighting a battle to save their child from[…]

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The Story of Louima Flerisma

Madamn Louima Flerisma arrived at our Birthing Center. She is 37 years old and is the mother of five children. She is from the “Pine Forest” in Haiti, very far from here. She is a farmer and totally depends on the land to support her and her children. She has[…]

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Giving Food to Nan Plezi…

It was a joy to travel to a new village, very poor, called “Nan Plezi” (which should mean “the Pleasure”). I don’t know why they call this village Nan Plezi, because I couldn’t find a single thing that would bring pleasure… no crops, no topsoil, no water, and few trees.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Children are the heart of God… “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in[…]

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Feeding the Children in “Salt Mountain”

The reason they call it “Salt Mountain” is that the soil is good for nothing. To the poor, it is like “salt,” useless for growing crops. Most of the people in this area gather small sticks to sell or make charcoal, or they gather wild leaves and sell them for[…]

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Noah’s Got Muscles!

Wow! Just look at this little guy! Noah has got muscles!!! I hope this makes a lot of you guys “jealous!” Ha. Well, if you had seen little Noah when we first found him, abandoned in front of our Love A Child gate, you would have never thought this little[…]

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Update from the Mission Field

With your help, we have been feeding people and children all morning. We are preparing these children a delicious, hot meal! Be looking for our post when we return later today. The children will steal your heart! Love is something you do! Missionary Bobby Burnette

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