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Word from the Mission Field

“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Say not unto your neighbor, go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give thee; when thou hast it by thee.” Proverbs 3:27 & 28 Bobby Burnette

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Update on James

James is one of our older boys in college at Universitè INUKA in Port-au-Prince. He is studying accounting. We hope that one day, he will be working for Love A Child. He and his brother, Kidney, both came to us from another orphanage when they were small. A worried relative[…]

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“Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.” Joel 3:13 Here is a recent crusade at our Grand Miracle Marketplace, Gwo Maché Mirak. Believing the Lord for souls here in Haiti in the midst of chaos! Thank you for your prayers and support. Missionary Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“This is the day the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118: 24 This was the sunrise when we were in Africa last week. Amazing how the sun comes up in the East all over the world. This day belongs to the Lord. We[…]

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Roselyne, A Gift from God!

Roselyne was just a young girl when her father brought her to our Mobile Clinic in the mountains of Haiti. Her legs were twisted and bent inward, so, we took her back to our orphanage.   After we brought her home with us, we attempted to find a doctor and[…]

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Love A Child Kids, Growing Up!

Dimelia (often called, Di Di), rounds up some of her sisters to help in the Maternity Clinic or Malnutrition Center. This is Dimelia, showing Lovely, how to mark the information that is coming in from the sonogram. This is Dimelia’s regular job at the Birthing Center each day! Most of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Philippians 1:6  It’s not how we start out, but it is how we finish at the end! There are many temptations in life, evil trying to sway us,[…]

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Pistache, our Next Journalist

His real name is Wilner, but when we first brought him home with us, we already had a “Wilner,” so we nicknamed him Pistache, which means “peanut.” As with Pistache, the majority of our orphan children came to us through Mobile Clinics in the mountains. One day (many years ago),[…]

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Update from the Mission Field

A wall around our Love A Child property! David and Angie George felt a burden to build a Love A Church in a poor area Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic, some time ago. It’s an area that has a lot of poor Haitians, Dominicans, and a lot of children. Now David[…]

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A time to plant! ATC news!

Wilner Exil and his crew are planting seeds donated by Hope Seeds. Teaching Haitians how to have sustainability. We wish to thank Joe Perkins and Ron Lusk of Sustainable Food Production for donating and erecting these shade houses, as well as Hope Seeds for their generous seed donations. We are[…]

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