Yonel has grown into a fine, sweet, and hard-working young man. He got married a little over a year ago and moved to the Dominican Republic looking for a job. But, it is not easy for a Haitian to get a job there… so, he moved back to Fond Parisien. He is a painter, but...
Haiti is facing a "humanitarian catastrophe." The severity and the extent of food insecurity here in Haiti is growing worse by the day. Gangsters have been blocking the major fuel terminal for two months now and are causing catastrophe and hunger. The route has been blocked for several months now heading to South Haiti. No...
“Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing.” Psalm 30:11 Sometimes, after overwhelming grief, it may seem impossible to smile or laugh again. In fact, you may find yourself feeling “guilty” if you are laughing, instead of mourning or being sad. But in all things, a time will come when we must “let go”...
How long I don't know... Thank you for your prayers and support. We are actually living in a nightmare here in Haiti. We can see the sadness and dismay on the Haitian people's faces. I do believe this storm will blow over soon and help will be coming. These two pictures are from Wilner who...
When all odds are against you! While David and his men were out, his enemy came into his city of Ziklag and took all the women, sons, and daughters as captives. Not only this but burned the city with fire!! When David returned, all the people that were with him lifted up their voices and...
I just got a faint call from Bobby to say that all the internet is down once again in Haiti. No fuel is available to run the generators for the cell towers which provide the inter-service. We are trying to buy what fuel we can on the “black market” because there has been no regular...
This day belongs to the Lord! “This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 The Lord made this day! I will not fear or doubt! The Lord will put us on top! Today is Friday. God made this day! The best is yet to come! Bobby...
"Ti David" (Little David) is a tough little kid, but he is so, so sweet!!! He was the "seventh child" born into a poor family who could not care for him. A kind neighbor had taken him in, but after a while with the cost of milk, diapers, etc., she could no longer afford him....
PTL! Our Internet just came back up. It may go off again at anytime. We have our generator back on and all the dirty diesel cleaned out. Our Haitian son Stanley and staff went to buy some black market diesel for $10.00 per gallon. We are buying 800 gallons. We can only buy so much...
The people of Haiti are in an urgent situation. The gangs have made normal commerce impossible and everyday life dangerous. The food shortages have been exacerbated by the drought and each additional disaster that strikes the island. These children have no expectation of having food every day, no hope of decent clothing or an education....