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Word from the Mission Field

“I shall not want…” Have you ever seen a “well kept child,” who had loving parents, and everything they needed in life? Automatically, someone says, “that child will never want” for anything! David was a shepherd boy. He took care of the sheep. He led them to green grass and[…]

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Saving Rebecca

We have a wonderful Haitian man named Wilson Barthelemy (Nelio) who is over all our work here in Haiti. Without Nelio, nothing could be done. He is the one that helps us get all the licenses we need, deals with problems regarding the containers, etc. He is the one who negotiates[…]

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Latest Semi Container Update:

We do not have our semi and container back to Love A Child yet. Please pray… The 400 Mawozo Gang had released it several days ago without charging Love A Child any money. The semi and container are still sitting at the gang’s compound. Casimi, who the gang also released,[…]

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“Faith is an Action Word”

I’ve noticed that everyone likes to talk about Faith. There are so many books written about it and so many messages in Church about it. I have come to believe simply, that Faith is an action word. Today, Pastor Varius came to see me. He is a sweet and humble[…]

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It’s Party Time!

I just had to put up some more birthday pictures that our son Dieuferly just sent us. It’s party time!!! We got Dieuferly from deep in the mountains when he was about 2 years old. He had terrible club feet. Today, after 4 operations, he has perfect feet! PTL! I was[…]

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The Big Birthday Blowout!

This evening, we had a birthday party for our kids! They are a noisy, happy bunch! We had singing contests and competitions of “who can find Bible verses fastest?” Our kids love contests! We had lots of singing, and lots of fun! We are “one big family!” It was great[…]

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Fritzner… “A Low Maintenance Child!”

His mother was a very poor woman from the mountains of Covant (Belle Fontaine), Haiti. When his mother died, the pastor of the church there brought him down to us (apparently his father deserted him). He was a frail little baby when he came. Fritzner is shy but he smiles[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Praying for a Harvest.” “Say not ye, there are yet four months, and then, cometh harvest? Behold, I say unto you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.” John 4:35 When God called Bobby and me to Haiti, we never knew[…]

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Welcome Home Jackson!

Jackson arrived this afternoon by truck, along with Pastor Mark, Jovanie, and Phanise. It took so much space for all Jackson’s medicine, his special foods, his Dialysis machine, and all the boxes of liquids that the Dialysis machine takes (couldn’t get everything in the truck!) We will bring back more[…]

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