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A Four-Year-Old’s Struggle to Survive…

Little Bernado had just turned four when he was abandoned by his father. (This is the problem that is happening all over Haiti. Men are discarding their children like trash because they cannot handle the responsibility!) So, little Bernado’s father left for the Dominican Republic and has not been back[…]

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“What’s Behind the Door?”

We are praying and believing for God to open a door for us. For years, I prayed that God would guide Bobby and me to Haiti to live as missionaries. Bobby had made many trips back and forth to Haiti, and he had some bad experiences, so he decided he[…]

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Daniel… “Daniel-o”

What a precious and sweet young boy! Daniello came to us when we were working in the village of “Old Letant.” The people of the village told us that his parents died, and that they had been trying to feed him and keep him alive. But, in this village, everyone[…]

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A Village “in the Middle of No-Where…”

There are many small villages “in the middle of no-where,” that are tucked away by the side of the mountains in Haiti. If someone else did not know they were there, we could have never found them… But, when working with a good local man, Pastor Souffrance, who is well[…]

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Update From the Mission Field – Jackson’s Dialysis

Dear Love A Child Partners, Jackson has been doing good with his dialysis in the country of the Dominican Republic. This report is from Jesse Ostrander of Love A Child, and he will also tell you about “the girls,” Jovanie, one of our Love A Child girls, now a nurse,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The walls of Jericho are coming down! The Lord told Joshua to take the city of Jericho. The men and army of Jericho were strong. The Lord told Joshua to have his men and priest compass the city seven times… “make a long blast with the ram’s horn, and when ye[…]

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Blessings are Coming to the Poor

Today, we are making plans for another Food Distribution in a remote area. For certain reasons, we can only say it is an “undisclosed location” due to the gangs. These precious mothers and children are suffering so much. Most of their fathers left to go to the Dominican Republic a[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“If He Did it Before, He Can Do it Again.” Today, someone is reading this post who needs a miracle. A miracle is something that you cannot do by yourself. It is something “beyond the natural,” that would not take place, unless “God did it.” Sometimes, we think that God[…]

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Ginyia the Dancer

Ginyia… It’s hard to believe our little dancer is now in 4th grade. She is “all girl.” Giniya is just one of the many hundreds of Haitian children whose father left them and went to the Dominican Republic. This leaves a mother with the big responsibility… but, when Ginyia’s mother died during[…]

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