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Word from the Mission Field

“And when ye reap the harvest of your land, thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field, neither shalt thou gather the gleanings of thy harvest. And thou shalt not glean thy vineyard, neither shalt thou gather every grape of thy vineyard; thou shalt leave them for the[…]

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Travel Update:

We landed in Santo Domingo this morning, and then we drove 5 hours home here at Love A Child. All the children and staff surprised Mama Sherry with birthday decorations dancing and singing! Later they will have a birthday dinner and their homemade birthday cake! Love is something you do![…]

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Update from the Mission Field

“To all my friends who sent those sweet, sweet Birthday wishes…” I don’t even have the words to say, “what a gift from God, you are!” I am so humbled that you would take the time to think of me and send those sweet, kind words, more precious than gold.[…]

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Nothing Too Hard for the Lord!

We “little human beings” often think that our “problem is too big for God,” or that “God needs our help…” The God that “sits on the circle of the earth, who puts His big feet on the earth as His footstool,” cannot find “anything too hard for Him!” It’s impossible![…]

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Daniel… “Daniello”

If you have never heard Daniel’s story, it is short and sad… He is from the very poor “mud-hut” village of Old Letant. His mother died, and his father died when he was hit in the head with a rock!” (Haitians can really throw rocks – as if they are[…]

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Happy birthday, baby. You are not getting older but better! Sherry, you have ridden mules deep into the mountains of Haiti, helping so many people. Raised our two beautiful children and now 85 more children. Wow! You have always gone the extra mile. Years ago, when the Lord told me[…]

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Word From the Mission Field

God has a formula: “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:38 God has a formula that works. It’s[…]

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Zoey… “Abandoned on a Dirt Road.”

Zoey is three now and happier than ever! She had been abandoned on a dirt road but, was found by one of our missionaries. We took her to “Social Services,” but they asked if we could keep her. At first, she screamed and cried for a year, but when she[…]

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Love A Child


Sherry has received her new renewed passport! Farmer John and I flew into Florida yesterday to meet our wives. Today, two of our beautiful friends are getting married this afternoon on beautiful  Sanibel Island. Tomorrow, we have brunch with friends and wedding guests. After brunch, Sherry and I will drive[…]

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A Warm Story From Backaye, Haiti

Hubert, our Love A Child representative, and his team brought food to 200 families in an extremely remote area by the name of Backaye, in the south of Haiti yesterday. It was a very difficult area to travel to. The food trucks had to cross two rivers, four times, in order[…]

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