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What are We Concerned About?

So many people will be going to church this morning, whether you are going to a small church or a large church. Sometimes, God’s people get caught up in “things,” more than people…

But the Bible says, “If a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?” James 2:15,16

We want our church to be beautiful, but have we spent more money on the carpet than the poor widow down the street? Our work must be done “outside the church.” Jesus spent more time with the poor and sick than He did in the Temple. Our church is made better when we take God’s love, “outside,” so that they will see God’s love, and want to come “inside.” Have a blessed day, Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“Stay on the Winning Side.”

After the Lord had given his people the land which He had promised them and after they had divided up the land, Joshua was about to die. He had just finished giving his last words and then, he said… “But cleave unto the Lord our God, as ye have done until this day. For the Lord hath driven out from before you great nations and strong; but as for you, no man hath been able to stand before you unto this day. One man of you shall chase a thousand; for the Lord your God, He it is that fighteth for you, as He had promised you.” Joshua 23:8-10

So today, no matter what you are going through, you are on the “winning side,” because God is fighting this battle for you! You are on the “winning side!”


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Jean Gardy… He Has a Business Head, on His Shoulders!!

This is Jean Gardy, with Alex, who is the main Accountant for Love A Child. Jean Gardy is in college for accounting and one day, Lord willing, he will be Alex’s assistant. There is a lot of “paperwork,” involved in non-profits, so he will be a blessing!!

Jean Gardy was a very young boy when his mother died. His father (like most Haitian men who lose their wife), cannot take care of a young child and work. So, he brought him to us and asked if we would keep him.

He seemed like an ordinary young boy until he went to high school. Then, we noticed that he would save every dollar he earned and buy cokes and chips with it and “re-sell them” to the ladies at our orphanage. He had his own “little business” going on, in his bedroom!

When some of the children started to go to college I would make a budget for their “tap-tap” transportation and food. But, Jean Gardy convinced every one of them to let him handle their money, and he would give them “only exactly what they needed and not a penny more.”

When I would call the older children to receive their food and transportation money to go to school, they all would say, “Mom, give it to Jean Gardy!” He taught them how to squeeze every dollar so that they would have a little extra left over.

But by this time, he, Dieuferly, and one other LAC kid, Frantzo, had put their money together to start a little “snack stand” on our property, with music, drinks, and Haitian food. Jean Gardy convinced the older kids to “invest” in their “snack stand!” He still handles all their money. He is the one who knows how much their school payments are, how much it will cost them each week to go back and forth to college, etc. He, and the boys, Dieuferly, and Frantzo, now have a little “snack” restaurant on our property and it is doing good.

Haitians have a “gift from God” to start small businesses if they have a little money to start with. We are so proud of all our older kids, going to college, getting an education, serving God, and preparing for their future! It is “tough” running an orphanage with 85 kids, but it is so rewarding when we see their lives changing for the best, serving the Lord! Thank you, everyone, for ‘investing in lives,” here in Haiti.

Bobby and Sherry

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A Baby from the Village of Booster

Booster is a small village in the commune of the town, Ganthier, Haiti. A baby, 23-month-old Djoulins, lives with his mother and other siblings. Their house is made from pieces of metal for a roof and “mud-and-stick,” walls. When Djoulins’ father “gave up,” trying to support their family, his mother was the one who had saved enough money for the tin for the roof of their house. His father abandoned the entire family, leaving his mother to make money for food.

Many times, his mother had no food and only gave the children “lemongrass tea” (leaves boiled with water). Djoulins became very malnourished. When his mother realized that he was losing weight, she brought him (with much prayer), to our Jesus Healing Center, because, as she said, “his tomorrow is in the Hands of God.” She was broke and borrowed the money to come to our Jesus Healing Center. When the doctors examined him, the baby had diarrhea, vomiting, and skin disease. He weighed only 5.7 kg (12.5 lbs).

When he arrived at our clinic, he cried constantly because he was hungry. After a complete diagnosis, he was sent to our Malnutrition Center. Little Djoulins will be here for a while and then, he will be sent home and have to come back for checkups.

Children in Haiti are dying from Malnutrition but we are saving them, one at a time, with your help!


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Word from the Mission Field

In the Bible, King Uzziah was a great king. He ruled over the land of Judah, “and he did that which was right in the sight of the Lord.” 2 Chronicles 26:4

He sought the Lord, and God made him prosper… so much so that his enemies, the Ammonites, gave gifts to him. He dug wells for Judah, he had cattle, he had a host of fighting men, and he was an inventor. He invented the “engines” that slung those huge, round, heavy rocks over the walls at the enemy. They could shoot great distances and because of all of this, he was known throughout the kingdoms!

“But when he was strong, his heart was lifted up to his destruction.” 2 Chronicles 26:16

He decided that he could do whatever he wanted to do, even if it was a sin. He went into the temple and burned incense that only the priests of the Lord were allowed to burn. Eighty priests of the Lord, valiant men, withstood him, and while he was angry with the priests, leprosy began to come upon him from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet! He had to leave his kingdom and dwell in the house of the lepers and was a leper until the day of his death. He “started the race well,” but it’s not how you start out, but how you finish that counts.

Today, keep on running the race and don’t stop, and don’t get discouraged or distracted!!! You are running to the finish line! Jesus is waiting for you!


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Florence Has Named Julia’s Baby!

Florence is the sister of Franceau, Yolanda, and Julia who passed away. Florence flew in from Italy, where she will be finishing up her degree as a radiologist in a couple of months. She was the one chosen to name Julia’s baby.

She named the baby “Princeton Nash Braylon.” She said his name should be Princeton because he will be the “prince” of the family! One thing is for sure, little Princeton will grow up surrounded by love.


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Kristela Paul… She Dances to a Different Tune

It’s hard to believe that the tiny baby girl brought down from the mountains of Savaan Pit is now 21. We did not think she would live. Kristela’s mother and grandmother were deeply involved in Voodoo. When we first met Kristela’s mother, she had come to one of our Mobile Medical Clinics in the mountains of Savaan Pit, Haiti. Her mom had “voodoo attire” on and so did her grandmother. But we welcome all people to our Mobile Medical Clinics.

As we treated Kristela’s mother, who was very sick, we told her about Jesus. When we finished she said, “I want to accept Jesus!” We prayed with her and she went home. Grandma went home too, but she did not accept the Lord.

Weeks later, a man showed up at our orphanage with a baby in his arms. The baby had red hair, malnutrition and sores. He said, “I call her Kristela, because her mother died, and if the Lord was not here, the baby would have died, too. I cannot raise her… Please take her.”

Kristela is a “different child.” She is a little on the “crazy side,” ha! She is loving and sweet but has a hard time in school. Kristela wants to be a therapist. While she is here at the Children’s Home she works hard, teaches dance, and is a loving young girl. She will do any job you ask her to do, no matter how bad it is!!! She is the one who teaches the young girls the “praise dances” that they love! We all love Kristela, even though “she dances to a different tune!” Ha!


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Our Haitian daughter Julia Goldman Jeannot is present with the Lord

“We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 5:8

This morning and last evening were the funeral, actually a spiritual celebration for Julia. She has been promoted! We all miss her very much.

Ever since she was a little girl, when we made her part of our family after her mother died, she was a ray of sunshine. Ever since she was little, soon as she would see Bobby, she would run over and give him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek! She was very sweet and kind. She was a joy… All she wanted after she married was a little baby. She died in childbirth in the hospital of Croix de Bouquet. The baby lived, and we are thankful. Florence, her sister flew last evening from Italy where we have her in college.

Florence will be naming the baby boy.

We all miss you, Julia, along with all your brothers and sisters here. We will be seeing you again!

Bobby and Sherry
Dad and Mom

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We are Bought with a Price…

For us missionaries here in Haiti, this verse has a great meaning, because there are so many gangs in Haiti… and every day we hear of something worse than the day before. But “Whether we live, we live unto the Lord; and whether we die, we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore, or die, we are the Lord’s.” Rom. 14:8

“For we are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s…” I Cor. 6:20

It gives us all great comfort knowing that “we belong to the Lord…” He paid for us. We belong to Him. Therefore, whether we live or die, we are the Lord’s. Everyone who is reading this now, belongs to the Lord. He hides us in “His secret place,” and takes care of us each day. We shall not fear!


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The Voice of an Angel

Bianca has always been such a quiet and sweet young lady. She is always asking to help, and she loves church and her big family. But she is shy… She has the “voice of an angel,” but we have only heard her sing one song by herself, and everyone who was there, stood to their feet! Amazing!

Bianca came with a “packaged deal” of a brother and sister. She has finished her “Philo” (the 13th year of school) and is deciding what she wants to do with her life. All her life, she wanted to be a surgeon, but now she is afraid that the challenges of being a doctor or surgeon is more than she wants to take on. She is thinking about several options, but we tell all the children to “do what you love,” and if you love doing it, it won’t be like a job. It will be a passion!

Bianca is tiny and has beautiful with big eyes. The kids call her “Krapo” (frog) because of her big eyes, but she also has a big heart! We love Bianca!


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