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Word from the Mission Field

“He Always Was and Always Will Be God!” Our tiny little minds cannot comprehend God. He is so, so big. And the thing about God is that He always has been God, always is God, and always will be God. He never changes. David said, “Before the mountains were brought[…]

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Ginyia… Mature for Her Young Age!

Little 10-year-old Ginyia wants to be a nurse. She is in third grade and does excellent in school! Her first name is actually very long and we believe her mother was Dominican. Her mother died during a C-Section here in Haiti and her father left for the Dominican Republic. Little[…]

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Gifting Coconut Trees!

PASTOR CLAUDE RECEIVED HIS COCONUT TREES! HE IS SO FUNNY! I’m so excited for Pastor Claude and his orphan children. We gave him four coconut trees this week that Wilner Exil and his crew, along with our Agriculture Training Center students, grew in these pots inside our shade houses. Thank you,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of host.” 1 Samuel 17:45 Some of you may be facing a giant in your life today, and[…]

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Lucson… Looking Like a Little Professor!

Little Lucson is now nine and still small for his age. He is in 5th grade and “super smart!” He too was from that high mountain that we started working in, called “Belle Fontaine.” When his mother died of “childbirth fever,” his father knew he could not care for him.[…]

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Guess Who Won the Big Puzzle Contest!!

You guessed it! Those crazy girls just finished their 1,000-piece puzzle!! They were yelling, screaming, and dancing all the way downstairs to show the boys “ the winners!” I’m sure you could have heard them, even from where you are!! Meanwhile, the boys were trailing badly! But, they are still[…]

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The Big Puzzle Contest!

I started a contest between the boys and the girls here at our Love A Child Children’s home. I bought a 1,000-piece puzzle for the girls and one for the boys. I tried to find a 5,000-piece set but maybe they don’t make those anymore. The group that wins and[…]

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“Praise Him in the Dance…” – PS 150:4

These sweet girls are our Love A Child girls. They do beautiful praise dances in church or at special occasions, or even at home! When I came home the other day, they did a special “praise dance” as I came into the orphanage because they wanted to give me this[…]

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Our Betina…

Betina Carla Pierre is now 12 years old and in 5th grade. She does well in school. The kids call her “Deep Eyes,” because she has big eyes. She was born after the earthquake in a rough area called “Cite Soleil,” or city of the sun. As she grew older[…]

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Another 40-Foot Container of 272,000 meals!

Casimi made it today with another container of 272,000 life-saving meals from Feed My Starving Children. How he made it only God knows. The gangs are out of control, and the roads are much too dangerous to be on coming out this way. I read this morning that thousands of[…]

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