With Hurricane Ian already lashing the coastal area around Fort Myers, our Love A Child office building is holding up fine so far, but we have had to close the office through Thursday at least. Depending upon the damage from the storm, we may be able to reopen Friday, or maybe early next week. Thank...
This morning we are heading to Santo Domingo taking little Jackson for his monthly check up and blood test. He is doing great! Urgent: Please pray for the people of Florida who will be facing hurricane Ian. Please pray for our Love A Child office and warehouse, which is in Fort Myers, Florida. We have...
Madame Midjie, a young mother of two children, is a seller. For lack of economic means, she does not own her own house. She must live with someone else. She is not married and is not a Christian. While she was at the place where she was staying, she started to feel pain that took...
"Who Does God Use?" That’s a good question. It seems to me that God uses “nobodies” a lot more than “somebodies!” When God called David, he was a teenager taking care of his father’s sheep. If you were looking for someone to fight off a 9-foot giant and all his gear, it wouldn’t be a...
Note to our Partners: We "just got internet," but we don't know how long we will "have it." Sherry Jean Edward... He Does What He Loves! Most of the older boys choose a profession such as "computer engineering," or a "mechanic," etc. But Jean Edward is different... He loves "tailoring!" We first found him when...
Please pardon our absence. We have not been able to have contact with Bobby and Sherry due to the phones and internet being down in Haiti. Our Love A Child office in Florida is also closed due to the approaching Hurricane Ian - please pray. Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director
The “sacrifice of praise…” “By him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name.” Hebrews 13:15 We all love to sing that song, “We bring the sacrifice of praise… into the house of the Lord…” But what happens when “praise”...
We are so proud of our older children who are going on with their lives and becoming the "next Haitian generation." We now have 24 older children in College and it is wonderful, but costly, and also dangerous for them due to the gangs. However, Joseph is a positive! He is learning "mechanics" at Canado...
Fabienne has always been such a joy! Her mother began working for us when we were in our first, old orphanage building. She would bring her little daughter to work each day and as she washed clothes, her daughter, Fabienne, would sit on a little wooden chair in the sun. She was about five or...
We still do not have any Internet. I had to go to a different location to find a little Internet. The Digicel tower which controls our phone service and Internet has been completely out of diesel for days. We have another backup service, Natcom, which also went out several days ago. Sherry and I feel...