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Sometimes They Call Her “Madamn Jeune”

Ericka… sometimes they call her “Madamn Jeune,” an affectionate name for an older woman working with small children. Ericka is very good with small children. She has great patience. She is now 17 and still has a speech problem. Ericka’s mother became ill right after she was born, probably due to eclampsia. When Ericka’s mother died, they asked that we take the baby. She was itching, scratching, hungry, and full of sores. We never realized the extent of her problems until she started to walk but could not talk. She still has speech and mental development problems, but she is very sweet, kind, and hardworking! And when she hugs you, she almost “breaks you into pieces!”

She loves to sing and dress up! And she made it as far as fourth grade so we decided not to let her continue school, but she insisted! So, she will be in fourth grade or maybe fifth. Ericka loves Jesus, and she is as “strong as an ox!” Ha! Everyone here loves Ericka!


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Our Jesus Healing Center… A Safe Place for the Sick

Everyone needs a place where they can feel calm. Our Jesus Healing Center is considered a “haven of peace” for all those who are in need, all those who cannot get to other hospitals for treatment, and all those who are in terror because of the activities of armed gangs who are killing, stealing, and raping people on the road.

Some disguise themselves as “madmen” in order to cross gang areas unseen to arrive at our Clinic. The Jesus Healing Center is considered the best place where the poor can take refuge. Today we welcomed 133 patients, and they came from many different areas of Haiti… They came by foot, by tap tap, by donkey, or any way they could. They came there with the assurance that they would find the best doctors, the best medicines, and the care that their case requires.

At first, the Jesus Healing Center was housed in a small building. But now, with God’s help, we have a big clinic (people call it a “hospital”) that serves thousands of people. Our Clinic includes a large modern laboratory, a pharmacy, a huge emergency room, seven (7) consultation rooms, a room to vaccinate newborns, and an ambulance to transfer patients if necessary.

In Haiti, food, medicines, medical care, and security are four crucial elements they need. Unfortunately, the latter are so rare. Despite the fact that the times are difficult, that does not prevent us from taking care of many of those who are in need with love, respect, and the dignity of the poor, because this is our mission and our passion.

God bless our wonderful partners for making this possible.

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The Timing of God

In 1st Samuel Chapter 16, we see a great Prophet of God, Samuel, mourning over the disobedience of Saul, as king of Israel. This affected the Prophet Samuel so much, that he spent much time mourning over Saul. The Bible says that the “Lord repented that he had made Saul king over Israel.”

Then, the Lord spoke to the prophet and said, “How long wilt thou mourn for Saul, seeing I have rejected him? Fill thine horn with oil and I will send thee to Jesse, the Bethlehemite, for I have provided me a king among his sons.”

We all know the story of Samuel, how he went to Jesse’s house and asked to see all of his sons… Jesse passed all the older ones before Samuel, the Prophet, but none passed the test. He asked, “Have you any more?”

It turned out that David, the teenager, was tending to the sheep and when he came in, the Lord said, “That’s him! I have chosen him to be king over Israel.”

Thirty years came and went, with David fighting battles, running from Saul, hiding out with his men, and probably thinking, “I thought the Lord had anointed me king over Israel, and nothing has happened…”

It did not happen in David’s “time…” but it happened in God’s time! Thirty years later, after many battles, heartaches, and discouragement, David was anointed king over Israel. It happened in the “perfect timing of God.”

Yes, the Lord has made you a promise but it hasn’t happened yet! This morning, I am here to say, “Hang on! God keeps His Word! It WILL COME TO PASS!!!”

Now, praise God for the Answer, and have a great day.


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Kenson, A Passion for Fashion

Kenson’s mother and father both died when he was a baby. That’s when he was brought to our “Love A Child Orphanage.” After finishing “Philo” (the 13th year of school in Haiti), he began volunteering at our “Mechanic Shop!” We have so many vehicles which are about ready to “give up the ghost,” and we are always fixing, patching, and repairing. Joker, our Dominican mechanic, is the “teacher” for the young “wannabe” mechanics!

Kenson is now enrolled in Canado Technique in Port au Prince. He loves to play soccer with his “brothers at our Children’s Home,” and he plays rough! But, he has a “passion for fashion.” Kenson loves to dress for church or special functions. He can get dirty and greasy, but when he gets cleaned up, look out!!

Everyone loves Kenson! Besides, he has the neatest closet of all the boys.


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Happy families in South Haiti!

Here are 10 more happy families moving into their brand-new “earthquake-proof” Gabion houses! While Sherry and I were in Africa last week, Jesse and Kim Ostrander were in South Haiti, helping more families move into their new homes.

These families had lost their houses in the earthquake last August, like so many others. Hubert and his crew have been working every day building Love A Child Gabion houses. Our plans are to build as many Gabion houses as the Lord provides the funds for up to the end of December. By faith, we are going forward! Just about out of funds, but faith doesn’t know this…

$9,000 will build a complete three-bedroom home with a front porch. Please, any amount will help. This specially built house will withstand future earthquakes, built with local materials and local labor, supplying many jobs. It’s a win-win for everyone! We want to keep on building houses for families who have lost everything.

Please give online or give by credit card, 239-210-6107. Thank you.

Love is something you do!
Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“Hands Wide Open”

It doesn’t matter how big your house is or if you drive a new “souped-up car.” What matters in this life is how you treat the poor. Many people, even Christians, are stingy. They want to give their “least” to the poor. But the Bible says to do something else… “thou shalt not harden thine heart, nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother: But thou shalt open thine hand wide unto him, and shalt surely lend him sufficient for his need, in that which he wanteth.” (Deuteronomy 15:7-8)

God always wants us to have our hands “wide open.” There may be many different kinds of needs that will come your way, but the Lord will show you how to be a blessing if “you keep your hands wide open!” Have a great day! Be a blessing to someone today!!!


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Update News 

We are preparing for these next two days to be giving out Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals and cooking some hot delicious meals for the children in the interior. From there, another location on Thursday and Friday. Thank you – we got your prayers and support.

Love is something you do!

Missionary Bobby Burnette
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More and More Malnourished Children are Suffering…

Due to the heavy crime problems here in Haiti, it is easy to see why so many babies and toddlers are malnourished and have to be brought to Malnutrition Centers. It is because the working parents (who sell) cannot get their produce, chickens, or whatever it is they sell to the markets due to a high concentration of gangs in our streets.

This is Daniella, one of our Love A Child young ladies. She is helping out with the children. Food is so scarce now, that mothers often leave a child at a Malnutrition Center and may “never go back for them!”

Now, when a mother comes in with a malnourished child, they go to our Jesus Healing Center first and they are examined thoroughly to see how bad they are. More than likely, they will be sent to our Malnutrition Clinic. After a thorough checkup again, and paperwork is done, the mother can leave, but she has to be accompanied by one of our workers. He must know the name of her town, her family, her Pastor if she attends Church, and our worker will take pictures of the house and family “in case the mother does not come back for her child.”

This is happening more and more frequently. In order to keep the mother coming to see her child, we send home a box of food so that she can feed the other children! Our hearts are broken because these little ones are innocent. They just want to live.


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Word from the Mission Field

“Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Say not unto your neighbor, go, and come again, and tomorrow I will give thee; when thou hast it by thee.” Proverbs 3:27 & 28

Bobby Burnette

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Update on James

James is one of our older boys in college at Universitè INUKA in Port-au-Prince. He is studying accounting. We hope that one day, he will be working for Love A Child.

He and his brother, Kidney, both came to us from another orphanage when they were small. A worried relative did not think they were being cared for, so we welcomed them to our orphanage. They had lost their mother when she was giving birth.

This is James’ second year in college. He says it is tough, but he loves it! All the kids say, “James is super smart!” James is quiet, kind, and never talks bad about anyone. However, he loves to play jokes on people!

James is also good at photography!! He is a “terror” on the soccer field!! He is sweet, kind, and respectful!!  We all love him very much!


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