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Another Warm Gabion House Story

Gabion House Update: We now have 30 Gabion houses finished. The workers have started on the next 30 Gabion houses… $9,000 will build a nice three-bedroom home, with a living room and a nice front porch. Any amount will help. We are lacking the money for 33 Gabion houses, then[…]

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Another BIG Harvest…

Yesterday there was a lot of joy around Love A Child as the Agricultural staff (ATC) had a BIG harvest from three of their gardens: the demonstration gardens at the ATC, the teaching gardens in Miracle Village, and the large “Jardin verge” near the Children’s Home in LAC Village. This[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Stop Crying… There’s a Battle to be Fought!” In Joshua Chapter 7 we see that Joshua was going to fight with the king of Ai. Some of his men told him, “You don’t need a lot of men, let’s just take 3,000, we got this!” Little did Joshua know that[…]

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More Twins – Mikalange and Mika

Having one set of twins in your home is challenging but what about three sets?! This is Mikalange and Mika. When their mother, Madamn Mercilia, died, their father, St. Cappe, could not care for them. I can totally understand this. A poor father cannot afford to feed the rest of[…]

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Haiti Container Update

No containers came yesterday from customs. The roads are still too dangerous for our food containers to travel through. The gangs were all over the roads yesterday in our area still shooting at rival gangs, robbing, killing, and burning down houses. In another new area, the gangs are taking over[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

DO NOT BE AFRAID, BE STRONG! “…Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9) Moses had died. The Lord said, “Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordon, thou, and[…]

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Ti Mika

What a sweetie Ti Mika has turned out to be! Ti Mika is 12 years old… and she always has a smile “ear to ear!” Even when she has nothing to smile about, she is still happy and smiling! She puts everyone in a good mood! We discovered this precious[…]

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The Lord has Blessed their Chicken Business

Our three Haitian sons Dieuferly, Franceau and Jean Gardy are in the chicken business on our Love A Child property. These chickens were just little small chicks when they bought them. Look how the Lord has blessed the chickens and their business. These are broilers and now they are going[…]

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In God’s Big Hands

This morning, our driver Philimond left with Jasson (Jackson) and Lionel (Yonel), along with Dieuferly to go to the Dominican Republic. It is a five-hour trip to the capital. Jesse Ostrander is already there, waiting to meet them and take them to their doctors’ appointments. Dieuferly, our Haitian son who[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

What Time I am Afraid… David, the psalmist of the Lord said it best… “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3 This is what we missionaries must do in order to continue to live and work in Haiti… kidnappers lie in wait, gangs are on[…]

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