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This morning, I took these pictures of Mr. Tison with his two sons getting honey out of our homemade beehive for the children! Wow! Sweet, sweet honey. He had no gloves or bee suit. He doesn’t want to wear our bee suit. Soon I’m going to ship over some professional[…]

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Word From the Mission Field

The Bible says God loves a sad giver. Oh no… the Bible says, “God loveth a cheerful giver…” 11 Corinthians 9:7 We are to be happy when we give to God. God has a formula… “He that sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which soweth bountifully shall reap[…]

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The Story of Baby Jean Bayden…

In a small village on the edge of Lake Azuéi a poor mother tries desperately to keep her baby alive. His name is Jean Bayden. The Lake separates Haiti from the Dominican Republic. Haiti is in much worse condition than the Dominican Republic and the crime rate climbs higher each[…]

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Remembering our Heroes

A donor who remains anonymous frequently sends in clothing for children and adults. The clothes are always new, whether for boys and girls or men and women. Each clothing item bears the name of a hero who gave his/her life for our country. The tag tells the name of the[…]

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LAC TV Program “A Place for My People Part 1” Begins Friday!

After the August 2021 earthquake, Love A Child went into the Nippes region to provide temporary shelter to the hundreds of people who had lost their homes. While there, we heard several heart-breaking stories from the people living in the area. In those moments a new mission was put on[…]

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A Bountiful Eye

“He that hath a bountiful eye shall be blessed; for he giveth of his bread to the poor.” Prov. 22:9 We wonder why some people can see the poor, and never want to give. It’s almost impossible. When Bobby and I first moved to Haiti, it was a safe country,[…]

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Praise Report!

UPDATE: $100,000 Matching Challenge Gift Report PTL! A $25,000 Matching Challenge Gift was pledged this afternoon. Thank you! We now have $42,689 towards the Matching Challenge Gift. The amount is climbing! The Matching Challenge Gift is good until April 17th, just four days from now. Every amount you give will[…]

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Kenzy… He Can Melt Your Heart with a Smile!

Little Kenzy is sweet but so, so fragile. Little Kenzy’s mother died during childbirth from eclampsia, and his father died “before he was born.” Little is known about any brothers or sisters. He was brought to us from the mountains by a Haitian Pastor. His skin color was horrible and[…]

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$100,000 Matching Challenge… Please Pray

Deadline April 17th Please pray! As you know, a person has pledged a $100,000 Matching Challenge Gift! This means that God will “double your gift,” and in turn, “double your gift to bless the poor.” We are really in need of this gift here in Haiti to help the children,[…]

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Mango Trees at the ATC

Wilner Exil who is over our Love A Child Agricultural Training Center (ATC) farming sustainability sent me this note. I’m so proud of Wilner and all his staff. They have a GREEN THUMB! I just love these three pictures. The children love mangoes, and so do we! Thank you Rad[…]

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