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Update from Haiti

Sherry and I flew into the Port-au-Prince airport today. Then, due to safety concerns regarding danger on the roads, we took a helicopter from the airport and landed here at Love A Child. It took only 8 minutes!! To drive it takes about one and a half hours sometimes, more depending on traffic. Special thanks[…]

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Old Letant – Water Distribution

In Haiti, water is hard to come by, and clean water is even rarer. Thanks to our generous partners we were able to give the gift of water to this poor village. Let us always practice gratitude for what we have, and generosity for what others need!

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Food Distribution in South Haiti

Thank you for your help. We are distributing food in south Haiti to the earthquake families. This area is called, “L’Asile,” which was in the epicenter. We are also building the Gabion houses all through this area. Sherry and I are hoping within the next few days to be back[…]

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The Future of Haiti

These are some of our Haitian girls from our Children’s Home. Their pictures may not all be posted but we have Sandraline, Jolina, Daphlina, Ada, Ti Mika, and a couple more. The girls love to go down and help at the Malnutrition Center Clinic, and the babies get a lot[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“You Cannot Stop Building the Wall!” The brave people of Ukraine remind me of the story in Nehemiah, 4. While rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, their adversaries, Sanballat, Tobiah, the Ammonites, and Ashdodites, all wicked cites, made a plan to attack, “as they were building the wall.” Have you have[…]

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Roselyne… An “Attitude of Gratitude”

Roselyne was just a young girl when her father brought her to our Mobile Medical Clinic in the mountains. Her legs were so crooked it was hard for her to walk! We brought her down from the mountains and tried to find a physical therapist to help, but it did[…]

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Update on Djonsly…

To those of you who don’t know Djonsly, he is the young boy who had cancer behind his eye, which pushed the eyeball out of its socket. His mother was like the widow woman in the Bible who went from doctor to doctor but in Haiti, they refused to even[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Calling” Haitian children are precious. The mountain children begin working from the time they can walk. They learn how to carry things on their heads while walking with their mother. The boys begin to help their father (if they have one) at a young age too. Many mountain children do[…]

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Rebecca… Much younger than she looks

Beautiful, graceful Rebecca is 12 years old and in 8th grade. It is just a miracle of God that she ended up here in our Children’s Home. Our Director, Nelio Barthelemy, had heard about a little girl that was about to be sold as a “restavek slave child.” She was[…]

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Saving Baby “Chesca Florent”

Due to economic conditions, the gangs that have taken over Haiti, the killing of Haiti’s President, and many other problems, Haiti’s poor are in a downward spiral. We have been living and working here since the ’70s but moved to Haiti in 1991. Things were not as bad, then but[…]

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