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In God’s Big Hands

This morning, our driver Philimond left with Jasson (Jackson) and Lionel (Yonel), along with Dieuferly to go to the Dominican Republic. It is a five-hour trip to the capital. Jesse Ostrander is already there, waiting to meet them and take them to their doctors’ appointments. Dieuferly, our Haitian son who had the club foot operation in the Dominican Republic last year, is going along to translate from Creole to English for Jesse… Jesse can get the translation from English to Spanish.

Lionel had been badly burned when we got him. His father held his hand in boiling water because he was angry at him and the child was thrown out in the street. We had not been able to find a “plastic surgeon” for Lionel’s hand here in Haiti, but hopefully, they will be able to do a release and then, we can help with the hand therapy. Most of you know about Jasson and his problems with kwashiorkor, which led to his critical kidney problems. We ask for your prayers for a safe trip and good knowledge of these doctors to make the decisions for their care. These children are “in God’s big hands!”

Sherry and Bobby

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Word from the Mission Field

What Time I am Afraid…

David, the psalmist of the Lord said it best… “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3

This is what we missionaries must do in order to continue to live and work in Haiti… kidnappers lie in wait, gangs are on the street and no one is doing anything to help, nor can we expect the U.S. to send in troops. We must continue to work and put our trust in the Lord. “Mine enemies would daily swallow me up; for they be many that fight against me, O thou most High. What time I am afraid I will trust in thee. In God, I will praise His Word, in God, I have my trust; I will not fear what flesh can do unto me.” Psalm 56:2-4

Today, you may be facing something that is overwhelming… there are many things that bring in fear, fear of the doctor’s report, fear of losing your house, your job, or your family. The Bible says that “fear hath torment.” Today, “What time you are afraid, you must trust in the Lord!” He never fails! Have a great day, Sherry

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Urgent Prayer:

We have twelve “40-foot containers” from Feed My Starving Children in customs with 270,000 lifesaving meals inside each container. Casimi has not been able to bring them to Love A Child because of all the shootings between gangs, so there are many problems on the road. Very dangerous. Now we are paying a $70 per container, per day, late fee when they are sitting there. Each container cost us a minimum of $10,000 per container to ship to Haiti, customs, and to get the container to Love A Child. We have half of the money now to get them out of customs when the roads are safe. The other half of the money… Jesus never fails! The total for 12 containers to get out of customs not including late fees, is $120,000. Every time a container is ready to pull out of customs, the Lord supplies the need!

Please pray! It’s a big responsibility to ship the containers and to have them arrive safely at Love A Child. Pray for Casimi, our driver. He faces danger every time he pulls one of the containers to Love A Child. He was kidnapped, along with our semi-tractor and container three weeks ago. Within two days Nelio, our director got him and our two security guards released along with our semi and container!

Tomorrow is Monday, please pray the gangs will settle down and Casimi can start bringing our containers to Love A Child. The children and people are in desperate need. 

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“A man of many companions may come to ruin, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24

A true friend is hard to find. We’ve all had friends whom we have been disappointed in. Friends who act like they love you very much to your face, but yet behind your back they are jealous and try to destroy you… Speak evil of you… Friends who have hurt us. You may wonder sometimes, who is my true friend, who I can trust?

Jesus is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother!! Jesus will never leave us or forsake us…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Another Warm Story!

From Joel Trimble: “Meresianne Sainger is 74 years old and lives day to day growing and harvesting castor beans to produce castor oil, which she sells in the local open-air market. Meresianne lost her house during the earthquake nine months ago and now has a new house built and paid for 100% by Love A Child. She praises God for answering her prayers, as she no longer has to sleep outside in the rain and will no longer be bitten up by bugs!”

Thank you to our friends and partners! Love is something you do!

Bobby and Sherry

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Planning For The Future!  

Here is Mark and Jesse Ostrander with our Haitian “dream team” working on our future team and visitor housing. We are planning and working for the future. Right now, the gangs have taken over many areas, robbing, kidnapping, and shooting everywhere. With the fuel shortage, Haiti is in chaos. We claim Haiti for Christ! This storm will blow over and the best is yet to come.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Spirit of Discouragement.”

We are living in a time of our life, when many, many are discouraged. It is an overwhelming force that overtakes you, even when you come to church. You can try to hide it with a dress, or makeup; you can try to hide it by “leaving” when you should be staying. It is an “evil spirit,” that brings your heart down to the ground. Sometimes, it is so heavy, that many think about taking their life.

But, don’t think you are alone if you are being tackled by this spirit. David, in the Bible, went through a very discouraging time. David and his small army were at a place called “Ziklag.” But, while he and his army were away, David and his men were supposed to go to battle for King Achish, but the Philistines did not want David and his men to go to battle with them. So, the king thanked David, but sent him and his men on their way home to Ziklag.

But, when David and his men got there, their enemy, the Amalekites, had come in and burned the whole city to the ground and, they had taken David’s wives and children and all the wives and children of “David’s army” back to Ziklag. The Bible says that “David was greatly distressed,” (discouraged), because not only were their families taken captive and their homes burned to the ground, and the entire city of Ziklag burned down, but, “the people spake of stoning David!” It was a “spirit of discouragement” that had come upon his army and the people. But, the Bible says, “but David encouraged himself in the Lord.” I Samuel 30:6

Today, if you are discouraged, look up! God already has a plan in place for you! He does nothing by accident, and whatever your trial is today, it won’t last forever! So, hold your head up, and keep on walking! God already has the problem worked out!! Praise God!


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Jean Richard Rises Above

It is very difficult for the poor in Haiti to survive, but it is even more difficult for a person with a disability. They are considered “worthless,” and many times they sink into despair. When the 2010 earthquake hit, it damaged and destroyed orphanages. One of these was for handicapped children. A few days after the earthquake, Jean Richard came to live with us.

He graduated from High School, but during that time he fell in love with music and church! We recently sent him to college because he wanted to study economics, but that was not his dream. His dream was to go to a college in Haiti where he could further his music career and computer science. He had found that college run by a Pastor and he is so, so happy!

Take a moment to read his email that just came in. Sometimes, we never know how big a grain of mustard seed, really is.

“Hello, Mom and Daddy,
I hope you are well with Jesus. To begin with, I would like to tell you that the new school I looked for, is very good. I could sleep there and study there. It will last two years, in which I will study music and computer science.
I don’t do this enough and sometimes I don’t do anything to thank you and my sponsors for the patience and love you have given me. You and friends pay for my school thanks to God. Thanks to God for putting me on my path because it is difficult for a person with a disability in Haiti to be useful to yourself. But it is the grace of God that gives us health and you play a strong roll that can move me forward in life so that I can be useful to God and to
Love A Child. Thank you Mom and Dad.”

Missionary Sherry Burnette

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The Story of Sophie Baptiste

“With patience, you will see the navel of the ant.” (A Haitian / Creole proverb.)

Haitian Superstitions Endanger the Lives of the Unborn…

Every day at our Birthing Center, all pregnant women are trained on precautions to take, and on things they should not consume during pregnancy. But Haitian mothers are stubborn and stick to “old wives’ tales,” and they believe things that have been handed down from generations, which causes them to endanger their life and the life of their babies.

This is the case for Mrs. Sophie Baptiste. She is 18 years old and came from a village in Fonds-Parisien, in a district called Boulaille, a few kilometers from Love A Child. She was a merchant in Croix des Bouquets, about an hour from us. But now, the gangs are controlling the perimeter of this area and her business went bankrupt.

This poor young pregnant woman, Mrs. Sophie, always came to all her appointments when she got pregnant. At midnight, she came to the Birthing Center to give birth. As soon as she arrived, she was already 3 cm, and the midwives took care of her. But Sophie’s mother had given her “ginger tea” to drink, (to make the baby come faster), which put her in a critical state. This made her push harder to have the baby because her cervix was ​​not yet open. She tried to push, unfortunately, she no longer had the strength to push. The case became very complicated; the midwives told her parents that she was having trouble giving birth and that she should be transferred to a Hospital. Her parents were crying… they said that they had no money and the roads were blocked by gangs. After several hours, the midwives were patient with her and gave her medicine to be able to give birth. Due to the difficulty of “pushing,” you can see in the photos the baby’s head presented with what they call “Boss Serosanguine,” or elongated head. According to midwives, the head will return to its normal shape in 2 or 3 weeks.

The mother and baby are doing well. Mrs. Sophie delivered a healthy baby boy, a miracle baby! As the Haitian / Creole proverb says, “With patience, you will see the navel of the ant.” If you live in Haiti and do not have patience, you will have a lot of problems. We are thankful for our wonderful midwives, who had patience through this difficult and life-threatening situation!


On another note… we are about the only ones in Haiti who furnish mothers with a Birth Certificate for their baby!

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Big Harvest!…

Wilner Exil is the head of our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) Sustainability Program. He and his crew, along with the students in our ATC program, are producing an abundance!

The Lord is blessing our seed sown!

Wilner wrote me this little note below… Yum, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, and papaya for our children. Good work Wilner and all our workers!

Thank you again “Hope Seeds” and David Balsbaugh, President and friend, for all these seeds.

Let the Lord bless your seed sown today!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

—–Original Message—–
From: Wilner
To: Bobby
Sent: Wed, Apr 27, 2022 5:30 pm
Subject: Agriculture Training Center( ATC) harvest.

Good evening Big Boss,
I hope we are very good. Because, God is always introverted in our lives, that’s why Mrs Sherry and Pastor Bobby are blessing by the ATC team.
Today, we had a big vegetable harvest.
Cabbage, 🍅 tomatoes, Spinach, Papaya.
Look at the pictures

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