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Yesterday, the leader of the notorious Mawozo Gang (Papaya Gang) was extradited to the U.S. to face many charges. One charge is smuggling in heavy arms from the United States into Haiti. Many areas of Haiti are in chaos more than ever. The Mawozo Gang is upset that other gangs are trying to take power from them. The streets in our area are more dangerous than ever. In some areas, people have been fleeing and running for their lives. Yet, nothing is on the news in America. Why?

Our 12 containers are still in Customs and Casimi is still unable to pull the containers out and travel down the road to us. More containers are in the ocean heading our way. We are praying that tomorrow will be better. Our hearts are broken more than you will ever know for the Haitian families that are hungry. The suffering of the children is unbelievable.

Praise the Lord! The late fees need we had has been met. God always has a ram in the bush!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Wilguens… AKA “Grandpa” (Jacque)

When Wilguens’ mother died, their “stepmother,” didn’t want to take care of Wilguens or his sister, Fabiola. This happens quite often in Haiti. When a man takes on another wife or madamn, the new wife will never treat the “other children” like their own.

Many times, the children, Wilguens and Fabiola, were left alone… not only for hours but for days, as their father looked for work. (Social Services did not mention their stepmother.) The children developed malnutrition. They ended up in Social Services and Social Services brought them to us.

Wilguens is quite different than all the boys. Of course, the boys are good, but Wilguens is quiet and often overlooked because he does not make a presence. But he is very intelligent. He loves to work, and he loves the church. The kids say, “He dances like King David in the Bible!!”

Wilguens wants to be a mechanic (as all little boys do in Haiti… because it means they will get to drive a truck)! There is no telling what Wilguens will become; everyone loves him! The kids call him, “Grandpa!” We love Wilguens. Let’s see what God does with his life!


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Another Warm Gabion House Story

Gabion House Update:

We now have 30 Gabion houses finished. The workers have started on the next 30 Gabion houses… $9,000 will build a nice three-bedroom home, with a living room and a nice front porch. Any amount will help. We are lacking the money for 33 Gabion houses, then we will have 100 Gabion houses for the poor families of south Haiti. Thank you for your help.

Love is something you do…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Another BIG Harvest…

Yesterday there was a lot of joy around Love A Child as the Agricultural staff (ATC) had a BIG harvest from three of their gardens: the demonstration gardens at the ATC, the teaching gardens in Miracle Village, and the large “Jardin verge” near the Children’s Home in LAC Village. This large harvest was celebrated by so many of our children and staff yesterday as the fresh produce and fruit were enough to supply three campus kitchens: The Children’s Home, the Jesus Healing Center Clinic, and the staff kitchen… known as “Big Mama.”


Wilner (Director of the ATC) was so proud to send us this note:

Dear my Big Boss, how was your day? I think everything is good. Because, God is there. Today we had a big harvest at the ATC Gardens of LAC. Spinach, Cabbage, Parsley, Eggplant, Mango, Lemon (Lime / sitwon), Okra, Papaya, etc. We provide 3 different kitchens. Children’s Home kitchen, Big Mama kitchen, and Clinic kitchen. Look at these pictures… Wow!



Our donors who help sponsor our Development for Sustainability outreaches, which includes the Agricultural Training Center, should also celebrate this BIG harvest because you have given these men their opportunity, their new skills, their renewed hope, and their ability to support themselves and many others. Remember, they produce this bounty without the benefit of fertilizers, insecticides, modern tools, etc. They make their own fertilizers and insecticides. By your gifts, you are harvesting renewed souls for the Kingdom. Thank you for your support.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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Word from the Mission Field

“Stop Crying… There’s a Battle to be Fought!”

In Joshua Chapter 7 we see that Joshua was going to fight with the king of Ai. Some of his men told him, “You don’t need a lot of men, let’s just take 3,000, we got this!” Little did Joshua know that the people had already sinned and God was not with them in the battle. When there is disobedience in our lives, don’t expect your prayers to turn out like you want them.

The men of Ai chased them and the Israelites ran “with their tails between their legs!” The “hearts of the people melted.” Joshua was so ashamed and so discouraged that he and his men put dirt on their heads and cried all night. Joshua told the Lord, “Why have you brought these people over Jordan to deliver us unto the hand of the Amorites, to destroy us?” And Joshua went on and on about how all the people of the earth would make fun of them and shame them.

The Lord told Joshua, “Get thee up! Wherefore liest thou thus upon thy face?” God was saying, “It’s time to stop crying because there’s a battle ahead of you! Get up and get on your feet! There is sin in the camp and you must get rid of it! Then, get ready for the real battle!!”

When we are in a problem, we cannot feel sorry for ourselves nor blame it on God. It’s time to check our hearts and say, “Lord, search me and see if there is anything hindering my blessing?” Then, “get back up on your feet and prepare to battle the enemy!” You do this by praising Him by Faith!

We are all facing these difficult times. We must stop crying and whining about it. God will bring us through this because we have other battles to fight. God is saying, “Stop crying and whining! Get up on your feet! There’s a battle ahead and you are on the winning side!”

We will get through this, together! Sherry

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More Twins – Mikalange and Mika

Having one set of twins in your home is challenging but what about three sets?! This is Mikalange and Mika. When their mother, Madamn Mercilia, died, their father, St. Cappe, could not care for them. I can totally understand this. A poor father cannot afford to feed the rest of his children, let alone a baby or babies who require special milk and diapers.

If a father is struggling to stay alive, there is no possibility to be able to feed twin babies. And, it is difficult to find a “nursing mother” when the mothers are not in good health, even to take care of their own children. These two children came from some of the highest mountains in Haiti!

The “ornery one,” Mikalange, is on the left. She loves school and church and she loves to “aggravate her sisters!” She hopes to become a dentist one day.

Mika is the quieter one on the right, and she loves working in the kitchen. (Next to food!) Both children are in 8th grade, but Mika is passionate about school. She loves math and does well in it! She is not a “sports girl.” You will usually find her in a room, studying.

We love all three sets of twins. God made them different in each way!!!


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Haiti Container Update

No containers came yesterday from customs. The roads are still too dangerous for our food containers to travel through.

The gangs were all over the roads yesterday in our area still shooting at rival gangs, robbing, killing, and burning down houses. In another new area, the gangs are taking over and in the whole area, people are running for their lives!

Please pray, we have 12 containers in customs with Feed My Starving Children meals with 272,000 meals in each container.

Our late fees are $70 per day per container. We have more food containers on the ocean heading our way right now. Plus, it costs us a minimum of $10,000 for transportation for each container across the ocean and through customs to Love A Child. I’m almost afraid to add up all the late fees for all these days and the cost of transportation. Please pray, I know the Lord will provide. Some days it’s very disheartening. The responsibility is very heavy.

For the humble Haitian people and their children waiting for their food, we are sincerely sorry. God bless all of our Haitian crew who risk their lives taking the food to the people.

Pray for Haiti and the children. The Haitian people are very kind and hard-working. The gangs do not represent the Haitian people. The gangs mostly are not educated, have no jobs, no money, own no houses; and with no electricity, no running water, they really have no hope and no future. We are praying for them; our hearts go out to the Haitian people.

We are claiming Haiti for Christ!

This storm will blow over…

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field


“…Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” (Joshua 1:9)

Moses had died. The Lord said, “Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordon, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel.” (Joshua 1:2)

Joshua had great battles ahead of him. You and I have battles that we may be in right now, and certainly ahead of us. I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, “Be strong and of a good courage, be not afraid!”

“…If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Ti Mika

What a sweetie Ti Mika has turned out to be! Ti Mika is 12 years old… and she always has a smile “ear to ear!” Even when she has nothing to smile about, she is still happy and smiling! She puts everyone in a good mood!

We discovered this precious child when we were filming for one of our TV programs. When we finished talking about the food the children needed, I noticed an old grandma feeding a tiny baby with straw-like red hair and a few grains of white rice in her hand. Then, she sat the baby on the ground and walked away. Then, I saw the baby, Ti Mika, reach down and eat dirt! I was so horrified… Her grandma went on to explain that she had no money to care for her. I picked up the dirty baby, in a filthy dress and asked if we could take her home and care for her. Her grandmother was relieved! Since Ti Mika’s stepmother didn’t want her, we were off!

She has been our delight since that day. She is always smiling, even though she has “teeth problems.” Her teeth are “rounded at the top of her mouth and her bite is off.” As soon as we get several children finished with their health problems, we will send her to the Dominican Republic to a really good dentist.

But regardless of her crooked smile, she is such a delight!!! When Ti Mika was about ten, I took a nice picture of her to the village where she came from. Her grandmother was very ill and not expected to live. I came inside, and knelt down on the dirt floor of her hut and showed her Ti Mika’s picture… She held the photo up close to her face and said, “Now, I can die in peace.”

When we do “something small,” God turns it into “something big!”


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The Lord has Blessed their Chicken Business

Our three Haitian sons Dieuferly, Franceau and Jean Gardy are in the chicken business on our Love A Child property. These chickens were just little small chicks when they bought them. Look how the Lord has blessed the chickens and their business. These are broilers and now they are going to expand in layers. They also have another business which I will tell you about later. These boys know how to make money! They do very well even in the midst of all the chaos in Haiti. Please read the note below from Dieuferly to me. He also takes most of the pictures you see on Facebook or on our website.

Missionary Bobby Burnette



—–Original Message—–

From: Dieuferly
To: Bobby Burnette
Sent: Mon, May 2, 2022 12:46 pm
Subject: Re: The chicken 🐔

I can’t imagine how fast they grow, and they getting so big, even the guy that selling us came to visit, he asked us if we gave them another special food… we put ourselves together and we settled on an affordable price so everyone one can be able to buy a chicken which are 800 gourdes the unity and 750 gourdes if someone is buying the dozen.

D’or Dieuferly (Producer)

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