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Word from the Mission Field

If you feel like everything is going wrong, it may be going right!! “And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.” (Genesis: 37:5) In Genesis 37:22, Joseph was thrown into a pit by his brethren. From the pit, Joseph was sold to Potiphar’s house as[…]

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Follow Your Dreams!

Fabienne (left) and Sarah (right)… We just received this picture from Fabienne, one of our older children here at Love A Child. She is the “dental hygienist student” that is attending dental college, and she is working on a patient, Sarah, her sister at our Love A Child Children’s Home… imagine that! We[…]

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A Dream Realized: The Jesus Healing Center

The Jesus Healing Center, once just an idea, has grown and evolved over the years as the needs of the people of Haiti have grown. Our clinic spoils the poor! We make sure they have the best quality care, and all their needs are met – free of charge. It’s[…]

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ATC Update

We just love Wilner and all his Agricultural Training Center crew. Plus, he has students in training right now. It’s a wonder how God made the seed and how the seed produces everything we eat! We are heading out soon to southern Haiti where another earthquake just hit. We are[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“You Never Said There Would Be Giants!” What a great story! After many years of wandering around in the desert, the Israelites finally came to the “promised land.” Not knowing what was on the other side, Moses sent a group of people, along with Caleb and Joshua, to “spy out the[…]

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Water is Life!

Today, George, Dieuferly, Carlos (our boys), and our Haitian security went over to Old Letant at 4:00 p.m. to give them water. It took three hours with people coming with their buckets to get water! It was an exciting day! Thank you, David George and your friends, for giving us[…]

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He Looked like a Child… but Acted like an Old Man

I had never seen a child as malnourished as this one. This little boy looked about eight or nine. He hardly had any hair, his arms were dangling at his side, and he had the face of an old man and no color. I asked his father how old he[…]

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Tents Set Up Same Day!

A bad earthquake hit the Anse-A-Veau area yesterday morning. This is in the same area we are building our Gabion houses for those who lost their houses in August last year. Not one of our Gabion houses was damaged. PTL! Praise report! Hubert, our Love A Child representative, had saved[…]

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Update from the Mission Field

Exodus 22:27 . . . for I am compassionate. Read the full text of Exodus 22:27 and you’ll see a perfect fit for what happened in Anse-A-Veau yesterday. Because of the compassion of Love A Child partners like you, we were able to mount the fastest response to the latest[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

ARE YOU WILLING TO SACRIFICE AND GO?   “Whom shall I send and who will go for us? Then I said, here am I; send me.” Isaiah 6:8 This is what the Lord spoke to Isaiah the prophet. Do you feel the call of the Lord in your life? The Lord may[…]

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