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Betina & Rodna… They Have a Big, Big Family!

They could not be any closer than “two peas in a pod.” Betina and Rodna play together all the time. They play jump rope, “hand clap games,” and they are always together. Betina loves to draw and sing, and she loves to clean her room! She is also a “joker,”[…]

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A Poor Mother’s Gift

Madamn Siliamene’s Story… At 11:00 pm last evening, our Security Guard opened our gate carefully. There was someone outside needing to come in. The person was in a local tap tap. Now, Security must be very careful to open our gate around midnight. There are so many thieves and gangs[…]

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LAC TV Program “A Cheerful Giver” Begins Friday!

Love A Child’s greatest joy is feeding hungry children; this episode brings you face-to-face with several starving families throughout Haiti. Their stories are all unique, but they share the same affliction – the need for food. The children in these situations are forced to grow up fast; whether they have[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Are you happy or have a broken spirit? “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Proverbs 17:22 Laughter and a merry spirit are a great shot of medicine!! I’ve learned so much from the Haitians. No matter what they are facing or going through during these tough times in Haiti,[…]

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Let’s Cut the Cake!

Our wonderful Jesus Healing Center medical staff wanted to celebrate our “one-year-old” new Jesus Healing Center building! We have come a long way! In our small older building, we were so cramped that we kept changing rooms and moving things around to make room. All the patients had to line up on the dirt[…]

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Good News for Djonsly!

We just received good news! After lots of prayers, today, we got a message that Djonsly goes in to get his Visa tomorrow! It has been a lot of work, but thanks to the Lord first, and to Tammy, our wonderful attorney, we received word that Djonsly can travel tomorrow[…]

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We Remember and Pray

Twelve years ago today, 2010, we remember the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti — killing around 300,000 people and injuring thousands of others. In many ways, we still feel the effects of the earthquake today. We remember and pray for their families. Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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Update on Gabion house construction

We are building houses together by faith for the families in southern Haiti who lost their little homes in the earthquake. I’m so proud of these houses being built. Look how strong they are! Super strong houses for future earthquakes and hurricanes. Soon, the guys will coat the inside and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Seed planting brings a harvest! “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall never cease.” Genesis 8:22 When we plant a seed, we can expect a harvest! Taken yesterday, these pictures are from our Agricultural Training Center. It’s amazing what miracles[…]

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