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We had been so excited about returning to Haiti after our family Thanksgiving vacation. We promised all our kids in our Love A Child Children’s Home that when we came back that “Christmas presents” would be coming with us! (Smile.) We had never seen the boys, especially, on such good behavior! They picked[…]

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Hannah the Helper

Hannah, also known as Anna, is quite a young lady. Anna turned 17 in September. She is now in the 10th grade. She loves to sing and has a beautiful voice. The beautiful thing about her is that she loves to help people. She is always “looking for work” and wanting[…]

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“The Story of Baby Vil”

Kensly Vil, a little baby about a year old, is from the village of Bwaleje. He is with his mother, Rosemitha Sama. His father is Jeral Vil. Madamn Rosemitha used to do some small things to make money, like selling oil in small cans and selling small cans of rice[…]

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The Children of Peyi Pouri

Peyi Pouri, Haiti, is a huge area in the mountains and not far in distance from Love A Child. But, because of the dangerous mountains, it can take hours to get there, when the roads are good. Inside Peyi Pouri are many smaller villages. The families here are poor, very[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The “other side” of the door… How many times have all prayed and asked the Lord for “an open door?” Bobby and I used to pray many years ago for “a great open door.” Well, we got it. God called us to Haiti, but we never knew what we were in[…]

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Jean Gardy, Never Misses a Penny!

In Haiti, when a mother dies from a poor family, the child is automatically considered an orphan because the father cannot care for the child. His reason, if he is poor, is to work in the garden, or carry things for someone else to make money, or to sell something.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

What to do with our enemies? Here is a very difficult scripture, yet we must obey the word of God. His love within us will help us do what the Lord is telling us to do. “But I say unto you, love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do[…]

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The Future is Bright for George!

George… His real name is “Georges,” named after Hurricane Georges, which struck Haiti in 1998. George’s mother had a large family and couldn’t care for another child… but she was pregnant. She had told some ladies who worked in a large pharmacy that she was going to abandon the baby[…]

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Love A Child

Haiti News Update:

Two of the 17 missionaries have been released. I have been told that the two that were released were very ill and had to be released. The 400 Mawazo gang (Papaya Gang) still have the 15 missionaries. We cannot begin to imagine what those poor missionaries are going through, including[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Face to the Wall.” There comes a time in the life of every one of us, where we are facing a problem that seems “insurmountable…” a mountain too high to climb. We have faced that several times in our lives. I can remember when Bobby had a doctor’s appointment and[…]

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