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7th Anniversary – Gwo Maché Mirak

Today marks the 7th anniversary of the dedication of the Gwo Maché Mirak, or Grand Miracle Marketplace, in Fond Parisien, Haiti. For seven years now, the Haitian people have had the nicest, cleanest, safest marketplace with a wide variety of commercial activities to support the regional economy and create a[…]

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LAC TV Program “From the Ground Up” Begins Friday!

This week, your heart will be moved with compassion as Love A Child brings you face-to-face with those who survived the earthquake. The widowed, crippled, blind, and elderly stand in front of their crumbled homes, sharing their experiences as victims of this devastation; injuries still healing after being crushed by[…]

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“A Promise is a Promise…”

I have really noticed a lot about prayer, faith in God, and standing in the gap… The story of Abraham standing in the gap for the sinful, wicked cities of Sodom and Gomorrah is amazing. Even though I have read it many times, I can always see “something else.” In[…]

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Please Be Quiet… I’m Studying!

Joshua always has a smile or a grin on his face. It may be a “mischievous” smile, but it is a smile, nevertheless. He is so smart in school that the teachers have a hard time keeping him occupied! Joshua was “thrown away” in the weeds in front of our security guard[…]

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Good News!!!

As you know, on Monday Sherry’s covid test came back positive. She had no symptoms and was feeling well. My test came back negative. This stopped our trip going back to Haiti. Today we went to a different doctor for Sherry’s “retest.” PTL! Her covid test came back negative!!! Her[…]

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“Food and Love” – Joel’s Story

Haitian children who live in the mountains of Haiti and other poor villages do not get the love and affection that the majority of our children in the States receive. The reason is that life is so tough, so rugged and fathers and mothers are forced to work hard just[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Hiding Under the Table” There are all kinds of “phobias” in the world. I believe that sometimes it is an evil spirit that has someone bound by a particular “phobia.” There are people in the world that don’t ever want to leave “their little corner.” This goes for Christians too. They[…]

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The Quiet Twin

Mika Georges is now 14 years old. She is the “quiet side” of a set of twins. Her sister is Mikalange. She loves working in the kitchen and preparing food. She loves sports, but she “really loves music.” She is learning the keyboard, and one day soon, she will be[…]

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Five Firemen, Two Firetrucks, and a New Recipe

Well, today, Sherry and I were supposed to be on our way to Haiti, but as some of you know, we had to do the Covid test before flying. Sherry’s test came out positive. She was not feeling sick or anything, but we were “grounded.” We have a little place[…]

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Update on the Gabion Houses

Everyone is working very hard building the Gabion houses for those who lost everything in the earthquake. What I love about the Gabion house is that it’s about all built from local materials and all local labor. Haiti has an 85% unemployment and things are much harder now since the[…]

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