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Touching Stories From Earthquake Families

We are receiving so many touching stories from the earthquake families we are giving tents to. Here is the Ecclesiate Louis family. They lost their house in the earthquake. You can see they cleaned off their slab where their house was. They had no money, but Louis had a clever[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Outnumbered” Sooner or later, we will all go through the same battle… “You find yourself outnumbered!” You might say you’re overwhelmed, afraid, broke, discouraged… You have been given “bad news.” Maybe you had the “victory” yesterday, but now you are in the same boat as King Jehoshaphat… Outnumbered! Jehoshaphat was[…]

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Zoey’s First Day of School!

Little Zoey was found abandoned on the road to New Letant. After taking her to the Social Services Department, they asked if we could keep her… and so, she became a “Love A Child” child! Zoey is three now, and in Haiti, “off to school she goes!” She will be[…]

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Tent Distribution in Barade

Today the people were so desperate to receive tents in an area called Barade. This area is very deep in the interior, a forgotten people… but not now! So many touching stories of families receiving tents… Love is something you do!  –  Bobby Burnette

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The First Lady of Haiti Giving out the First Tent

Yesterday our team was in Lazile giving out tents. This area is one of the worst-hit areas from the earthquake. The truck left at daylight in the rain with 240 tents for the families of Lazile. Hubert already had the location of where each tent would go, the name, and[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

DON’T BE DISCOURAGED, JUST KEEP ON WALKING!   “Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9 Have you ever felt like giving up? Ever said I’m[…]

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A Young Lady with a Bright Future

Jolina is turning out to be a special young lady. She loves church and singing! She is also a very good student. She works hard and studies hard, but look out boys, she plays hard too! She is tough at basketball and soccer! She has been known to “mow down” a[…]

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Earthquake Tent Update

This morning at the crack of dawn, Hubert, Joel, Watson, and more of the Haitian team will leave for Lazile, one of the hardest-hit earthquake areas, to start putting up tents for the earthquake victims who lost everything. Hubert, along with his men, has gone ahead and so far have[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Stay by the Stuff.” Soldiers are made for battle. When a war is going on, they get “itchy” and they want to go, no matter how dangerous it is. And, don’t you remember when you were a child, your mother or father had said to you, “you stay here and watch[…]

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I Don’t Know How They Survive

We have been living and working here in Haiti for many years. When we first moved to Haiti, I thought we had seen the worst… but now, through the years and especially these last few years, it has gone “from bad to worse.” We not only have gangs blocking the roads[…]

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