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Good news!

Our first “40-foot container” of the earthquake tents arrived here late yesterday afternoon! This is fast! Now, Nelio, our director is working with customs to get them out ASAP. Our next problem is getting the tents out to the earthquake epicenter where the most damage was. We must travel through[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

BE FAITHFUL IN THE SMALL THINGS:  READ MATTHEW 25: 14-30 Mother Teresa once said, “God has not called me to be successful. He has called me to be faithful”. Everyone wants to do great things and be noticed, but the Lord wants us to learn to be faithful first. Each day,[…]

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Never Give Up… Yonel’s Story

Yonel… “We could see every rib he had!” I had never seen such a “skeleton-like” child, who was still alive! When we were conducting a Mobile Clinic in the far-out regions in Haiti, a grandmother came to us with this young man. His name was Yonel and he was nothing more than “skin and[…]

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Special Service at Pastor Claude’s

Sherry and I took these pictures this morning at Pastor Claude’s Orphanage. He had a very special service this morning. Heaven came down! Dwight and Pamela are doing a great job with the children. May God bless Victory Worship and Pastor Ray for sponsoring the orphanage monthly. Thank all of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“What’s Time, to God?” Have you ever prayed and wanted God to “hurry up?” We live in a “hurry up” society! Everything is instant! Everything moves fast. I think that this is one reason that people when they pray, they don’t “keep on knocking.” They may ask the Lord for[…]

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Update from the Dominican Republic

David George just sent us this note this evening here in Haiti. We are so proud of him and Angie! “Hello Bobby and Sherry, greetings from the Dominican Republic!! Angie and I wanted to share with you both and Love A Child what God is doing here in the DR.[…]

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Update on Roselyne and Zachary

Well, how time flies! Here we have Roselyne, our precious young Roselyne, studying to be a doctor! She will be in her second year of college here in Haiti. We found Roselyne when we were conducting a Mobile Clinic in the mountains. Her legs were so crooked, and back then,[…]

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Four More Little Citizens!

Here are four more little Haitian citizens who just arrived two days ago!! Thankfully, their mothers didn’t die in childbirth, like so many other poor mothers in Haiti, and thankfully, these little ones will not be in the system of “four more little ones” going to an orphanage! Each year in[…]

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She Came in on a Donkey… She Left in a Cadillac!

Imagine being pregnant and riding a long way… on a donkey! Mirlene Saint-Juste left her village of Fon Verette to come to our Love A Child Birthing Center. She had left her area on the donkey at 2:00 a.m. and then, had to catch a moto. She got to our[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Don’t Look Back…” “But his wife looked back from behind him and became a pillar of salt.” Genesis 19:26 What a sad scripture… The Lord had told Lot to get his whole family out of Sodom and Gomorrah because He was going to destroy it by fire. The only commandment[…]

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