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Word from the Mission Field

“Be Not Afraid.” In 2 Kings 18, we find that Judah finally gets a righteous king, King Hezekiah. With everyone else around him serving false gods and idols and committing abominations, Hezekiah feared God. He destroyed all the idols and groves where people had worshipped false gods. He was almost “standing alone”[…]

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Kenson… A Good-Looking Mechanic!

When Kenson was born, his mother died, and his father brought him to our Love A Child Orphanage. He loves soccer and basketball and gets along well with the younger children. He is quiet and has a good personality. When he goes to Church, he tries to make sure that[…]

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“Cows Without Tails…” A Haitian Creole Proverb

Finding work in Haiti is not easy. All poor mothers and fathers struggle to make an existence for their children… even feeding them one meal a day is difficult. Some are farmers, but the soil is not good and rainfall is minimal. Not enough for a harvest. Some ladies try[…]

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Haiti Update

PTL! Casimi was able to pick up our rice container at the Port yesterday! It was rough with the shooting and the gangs down there, but the angels were with him! Mission accomplished! Thank you for all your prayers. Yesterday Sherry and I could not attend our Love A Child[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“How much is left over?” Have you ever noticed that some of the most famous stories in the Bible are about people whose names are never mentioned… the Good Samaritan, the little boy who gave his last two loaves and fishes to feed a multitude, or the little woman who gave her[…]

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Saving Lives… Every Day

Someone once asked us why there are so many orphanages in Haiti. Haiti has many orphanages and many “restavek” children. When a poor mother is pregnant, she often listens to bad advice from some of the older ladies that believe in “old wives’ tales.” These young mothers have never had anyone[…]

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Rice Container Update

Casimi was not able to pick up the rice we bought at the Port yesterday. I believe this was his 5th attempt. He will be trying again today. The gangs down at the Port and other areas are out of control. They told me this morning the gangs are out[…]

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LAC TV Program “Healing Hands” Begins Friday!

This week, your heart will be moved as you see patients leave our Love A Child clinics in Fond Parisien, Haiti with tales of restoration and new life. A young man was discarded on a deserted road with life-threatening injuries; good Samaritans place his life in the hands of the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Sometimes we are in the valley, sometimes on top of the mountain. Some of you are in the valley and have been there for some time. Others receive criticism… Your family does not understand why you are serving Christ. Others may laugh at you and talk about you. Some of[…]

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Water Distribution in Fond Parisien

Water and more water!! These pictures were taken this morning! I’m so excited!! Remember recently, “Academy Cathedral” Pastor Elaine sent in the money for us to purchase a large pump, big pipe, etc. As you know, we just recently had Blue Ridge Well Drilling Inc. put this in for our[…]

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