Early this morning, our Haitian team loaded two big trucks full of Feed My Starving Children food and beans! We were headed to a new area called "Mon Oreg." We had never been there but the people were so friendly. We sent in a team ahead of time to give out "Food Tickets." This prevents...
We arrived back safely from Mon Oreg. There were so many mothers coming to get food for their children and so many children coming to eat. One little girl, about three, had pulled over a large pot of boiling water and scalded her face, about a week ago. The mother said it was “boiling tea,”...
Sherry and I just returned from a new village in the mountain where we distributed meals and fed 200 little children a hot delicious meal. Pictures and a report will be coming soon. This little girl was in the village. A few days ago, she fell into a fire; I believe where her family was...
Cornelius: A HEART FOR THE POOR READ ACTS 10:1-8, 25-34 There are three kinds of giving: tithes, offerings, and alms (which means giving to the poor). God blesses all of these, but I believe there is a special place in God's heart for those who go the second mile and give to those who cannot give back. In Acts,...
I cannot believe our little Daniella is now in her last year of high school! She and her brother, Daniel, were supposed to be "triplets," but their mother died in childbirth with the "third baby." Daniel, her brother, has always had health problems. We didn’t think he would live... We later found out that he had an...
With all the insecurity problems here in Haiti, the problem of "food" is at the top of the list. Imagine any woman in the states, without a husband... that has children to feed. There are all kinds of food programs and government assistance. But in Haiti, there is nothing. There is no welfare system, certainly...
Yesterday we were in New Letant (the Kingdom Connection Village), and Old Letant passing out meals. I saw some of the children putting the boxes of food on their heads so many times because their parents may have been working in the fields. Each box of Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals weighs 33 pounds...
"Be Wise as Serpents" Have you ever felt that you have been "taken advantage of?" This mostly happens to people, God's people, who have a good heart, a humble heart, a caring heart. Some people "get taken advantage of" because they have no "self-worth," or sometimes because they are trying to please people as they don’t want to...
Kidney is the brother of James, who were both brought up at our orphanage. As Kidney grew older he developed a love for our Love A Child Radio Station. He was trained to operate the “board,” and did many things to help. Kidney was very dependable. He had to be there early every morning. Now...
Our first "40-foot container" of the earthquake tents arrived here late yesterday afternoon! This is fast! Now, Nelio, our director is working with customs to get them out ASAP. Our next problem is getting the tents out to the earthquake epicenter where the most damage was. We must travel through "Martissaint" where the gangs have...