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Word from the Mission Field

Power in the blood of Jesus!

“And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where you are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt.” Exodus 12:13

If we study from Genesis 3:15 and 21 on, Scriptures pointing toward the coming redeemer. The shedding of animal’s blood was a foreshadowing of the blood of the lamb of God. Jesus is the lamb of God. In Exodus when the blood was put on the doorpost of each house the death angle would not strike the eldest son of the house.

We have the power of the blood of Jesus in our lives. I remember one night in Haiti when a demon who looked human-like walked right through the door of our bedroom and the door was shut! It was in the middle of the night. I heard the person walking down the hallway coming towards our bedroom. When the demon came through the door I rose up out of bed and shouted, “The Blood of Jesus is here!!!” The demon disappeared…

Today we are covered by the blood of Christ. Satan can’t touch us! Run devil run!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Sarah… All Grown Up!

Sarah and her brother, Joseph, were brought to us by one of our Haitian Pastors. They are brother and sister. Their mother died after they were born and both developed severe malnutrition. Her father was poor and could not take care of the children. We brought them into our Orphanage and began the long task of getting these children back to health and saving their lives!

Joseph, Sarah’s brother, was quiet and studious. You would hardly know he is here or there… Sarah has grown up! But, when she was a teen, she really stretched my “little bit of mercy” I had left. Because she is a big girl, she was always trying to “be one” of the smaller girls.

Often, we would let the girls go to a local soccer game, just about five minutes away. I would always make sure the teenagers looked presentable… dresses not too short, pants not too tight. When you have a load of teenagers, it is like “watching over a drum of rats,” as the Haitians say! Sarah would always get dressed and then right before the bus left, change into one of her sister’s skirts and tops.

Just as the bus was leaving one afternoon, I happened to “re-check” the kids on the bus! Sarah had a size “5” cramped into a size 14! When I forgive once, that is a warning… but when they do it twice or three times, it’s time for a little “come to Jesus talk!” The next day, I packed Sarah and her clothes and sent her back to her father. We still paid her way through High School, but I wanted her to learn a lesson before she came back. When she did, she was really changed! She was mature, sweet, kind, respectful, and obedient! She worked hard and appreciated everything so much more!!

Sarah has a great gift of organization! She wanted to go to college for administration, so we sent her to one in Port-au-Prince! During the week, she is in college and all the kids stay together at an apartment we have rented. The older ones come home on the weekends. I can say that Sarah has really changed! We are so proud of her!!! (One day, I’ll tell you about her “trip to the mountains,” where she came from!!!!) I can say with all my heart, that we are so, so proud of Sarah!! When she finishes, I know she will have a job waiting at Love A Child! (Maybe we can put her over the teenage girls!! Ha!)


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A Changed Life

The Bible tells us that “The goodness of God leads men to repentance.” This is Mr. Chenet. He was a big witch doctor who lived in the village of Old Letant by the lake. (We just had a feeding program in this village last week).

Mr. Chenet has a great testimony of how the Lord changed his life! The Lord told us to bless him, give him food, and live our life before him. Late one night we got a call from our Haitian pastor who said, “Mr. Chenet wants you to come right away!” It was dark inside his little hut but there he was… waiting for us. He said, “I had a vision of Jesus and He said to repent and burn my Voodoo things, now!” He got all his “Voodoo stuff” together and we burned everything! We prayed and he asked Jesus to forgive him! Then he said, “I have to leave now, and go to the mountains because I left some of my Voodoo things up there and I must get them now, and burn them!” He left that night in the dark, and went a long way to burn the rest of his Voodoo items! He has been serving the Lord ever since! He now lives in New Letant and is a deacon in his church! “Preach the Gospel always and when possible, use words.” St. Francis Assisi

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“In the Presence of our Enemies” (Part Two)

Yesterday, I shared part of the story of how Kaeli and I (a missionary friend of ours) almost were killed by five mean thugs here in Fond Parisien, Haiti. These young men were angry, so angry because we did not have enough to give them each a box of food. We decided to invite them over to Love A Child to talk.

They came early the next morning to the old depot warehouse where my Mobile Medical Clinic building is. Inside are long eight-foot tables where we pack medicines. The five quietly followed us inside. (Remember, one of these guys always carries a gun!) What they didn’t know was that right behind them was my big, black 109 lb. rottweiler, Sampson! And all Haitians are scared to death of black dogs! They are even “more scared” of BIG, BLACK DOGS! They walked in and fear hit them as I closed and locked the door!

They sat down and kept looking all around. Meanwhile, Sampson was under the table sniffing them out! Ha! They were scared to death! I asked them why they got so angry and why they tried to attack us. They explained that they did not have food cards, that they did not have a job, and that they all had wives and children! I looked at their faces and I could see “poverty” written on them! They had no job, so they could not feed their children nor put them in school. So, I said, “How would you like to work for Love A Child and help us at our food distributions?” I told them that I would pay them a good wage and give them a box of food when they finished with the distributions each month. All of a sudden, the atmosphere changed! They got so happy! They said, “We will see you tomorrow morning to help you!” One by one, as they stared at Sampson, they made their way out the door, happy to be alive! The next morning, they showed up at the front gate with T-shirts that said, “Love A Child Security!” Ha! They have been working for us ever since! We pray that God will save each one of them!!! That is our prayer!

Today, if you have an enemy, don’t fret! God has your enemy under control! He will “prepare a table for you in the presence of your enemies!” Have a great day and praise the Lord ahead of time! Sherry

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Little Zoey! Ready for School?

Zoey was discovered en route to Old Letant, by one of our missionaries, and some of our older girls. Apparently, when Zoey’s mother heard the truck coming, she slid out and laid Zoey on the road! The girls brought her back to Love A Child. We immediately took her to the Social Services Department. (In Haiti, you cannot take in and keep an abandoned child without going through Social Services.) They told us to “keep her.” They didn’t have any more room for abandoned children. We really were trying “not” to take in any more children, because raising 85 kids and sending them on to higher education is very expensive.

We brought Zoey home and she was the fussiest baby ever! She cried all the time! Nothing could make her happy! Finally, when she reached two, she became a little sweetie!! She was around the older girls more than anyone else, but we came to find that “she loved men!” When there was a man around, i.e., Bryon, who works with us and especially Bobby, she would find them and curl up in their lap! At church, she was always hunting “Poppie Bobby” to hold her! (And she is heavy!)

Zoey has tried to join the Praise Dance Team! We got her a little dance outfit, and she has the “rhythm,” but not the steps! Ha! When she began “chewing and sucking on her fingers,” the room mothers put socks on her hands! (I think she actually liked that!) Zoey is so cute, sweet, and lovable!!! She is “all girl!” She will go to “Pre-School” in the Fall! (We will be praying for her teacher! Ha!) Everyone loves, Zoey!


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Why Haiti?

Bobby and I made our first trip to Haiti in 1971. We knew that He had called us, but called us to do what? We began with what we knew to do… “preach the Gospel.” After all, that’s what we had been doing… preaching on street corners, in churches, under Gospel tents, pastoring a church. We thought that “preaching the Gospel” was all we were called to do.

Until one day, while we were in a big outdoor Crusade. Bobby had been telling them how good God was… all of a sudden, a lady in the very back held her baby up above her head and shouted something. The interpreter said she said, “If God is so good, why is my baby so hungry?”

That was the day when we found out calling in Haiti. Feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, educating the children, and letting them know how much God loves them! Our main outreach is “children.” We are “Love A Child!” God bless you!

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“In the Presence of our Enemies” (Part One)

I may have shared this story before, but I cannot share it enough. It is a story of how God can “prepare a table before us in the presence of our enemies.” I used to think that everyone loved us, because we loved everyone, and we didn’t realize we had any enemies. After all, no one had threatened to kill us, at least, not until we moved to Haiti! But every one of us has enemies, and most of the time it is either because “they want what we have,” or “they are jealous of what we have,” or should I say, “jealous of what God has blessed us with.”

The Lord always knew that each one of us would have enemies, but it’s how we deal with the enemies that is important. I know that I may have shared this story before, but it is still amazing to me. We have been doing food distributions in many villages in Haiti for many years. In some of these villages, there are some bad guys who have guns and some that are on drugs. They are mixed in with the poor mothers who cannot feed their children and mixed in with children who have malnutrition and have never had a full meal in a day. Five of these young men live right here in Fond Parisien where we work…

About two years ago, when Kaeli (a young missionary) and I were going to do a food distribution, we did not have enough for everyone on the list, so we divided the boxes of food in half. When we went to the food distribution, somehow, someone started a lie about us and said that we didn’t “want” everyone to have a full box of food! As we were in the walled-in area, our Love A Child helpers tried to distribute food when five mean guys came in! One had a gun and the rest had big rocks! They started to throw rocks at our windshield, and one of them had a gun! Just as the guy with the gun began to jump on the hood of our truck with a huge rock, a Haitian pastor grabbed him and threw him on the ground. When this happened, we took off!! When we got back, we were so shocked at what had happened. We thought, “What can we do? We don’t even own a gun!” But God said, “I am preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies.”

“Part Two” will continue tomorrow! Just know that “God is preparing a table before you in the presence of your enemies!” Sherry

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Kenzy…Too Sweet to Be Sick!

Kenzy…the kids call him “Di Di,” and everyone loves him! This is Kenzy in his “church clothes!” All Haitian children love to dress up for church. (If Kenzy had a tuxedo, he would wear it!) Kenzy is four now. His father died before he was born, and his mother died immediately after he was born. A Haitian Pastor brought him to us, sickly, frail, and full of sores.

We took him to our clinic and discovered that Kenzy has “Sickle Cell Anemia.” He is always frail and sickly. He is always at the hospital and taking a lot of medicine. He must always be under a doctor’s care.

Kenzy tries to smile, even when he’s not feeling well. Kenzy “loves” candy! I try to keep a stash in my closet. He takes a piece and splits it with the other children.

Kenzy is in kindergarten and is doing well, but a little slow. We pray that his health will be better because he is too sweet to be sick!



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Medical Staff Housing Update!


The Haitian construction guys are working hard to finish the medical staff dorm! We are hoping the staff can move in by September 1st. Here they are enlarging a back room where the 49 staff members can eat, fellowship, and praise the Lord! Next week, we will paint some more, put in all the toilets, sinks, lighting, etc.

Thank you, the need has been supplied. This is a great blessing so the medical staff can be safe and in one location all week. Dr. Barthelemy, Mr. Nixon, and all the doctors and medical staff are doing a great job. Every person who comes is treated with love and dignity.

The clinic pastor shares Christ with all the patients. He does such a wonderful job praying and counseling everyone all day.

Bobby Burnette



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Feeding the Children and Workers En Route to Badji

Yesterday, we shared photos of the poor Haitian mountain people (and children) working so hard to make a road through the mountains. This area is in Badji; it is one of the villages around Peyi Pouri. After the heavy rains, the mountain roads washed out. There is no government help when this happens. Normally, the people could work on the roads, but they cannot work all day when they are hungry. The Creole Proverb says, “an empty sack cannot stand.”

Children and adults do not have the strength to work without food! We were blessed to send food up with Pastor Souffrance, the “leader” in this area. The people and children worked hard and then began to cook those large pots of food!! Everyone was so happy and thankful!! Now, the work can go on!

Thank you, partners, for sponsoring this food, and thank you, Feed My Starving Children, for donating this food!

“Love, is Something You Do!”

Bobby and Sherry


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