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“About Haiti…” From Riches to Rags.

Haiti shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic has 2/3 the land-mass, while Haiti has 1/3 the land-mass. Approximately eleven million people live on each side. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere; they speak “Haitian Creole and French,” while the Dominicans speak[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Everybody may not love us, but Jesus does! “I will never leave thee, or forsake thee” Hebrews 13:5 “Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, or be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor[…]

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Jean Gardy, The “Banker”

Jean Gardy was very small when his mother died. His father had no job and could not take care of him. He asked us if he could bring his son to our orphanage and that was why we took him in. He first moved into our “old, over-crowded orphanage” and[…]

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Black Beans and Rice for Hungry Families!

We just received our 20-foot container of black beans for food distributions. We really want to thank our wonderful partners who help sponsor food! Beans are more expensive than rice and so the poor Haitians rarely get beans, a good source of protein. We have white premium rice and rice[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Continued from Friday 2 Chronicles 20:15 Yesterday, we read about the amazing battle that God fought for King Jehoshaphat when he was facing the armies of the children of Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir. The “battle belonged to the Lord.” As the people of Judah began to sing and dance[…]

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Zoey – The Trial of My Faith

It has been “the trial of my faith” raising little Zoey! She was abandoned, discarded by her mother (whoever she was), and left in the path of a dirt road. Kaeli (one of our missionaries who worked with us for several years) along with some of our older girls found[…]

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Ganging Up on the Devil in the DR

Updated news: We are now preparing to board the plane for a direct flight from the Dominican Republic to Port-au-Prince on Sunrise airlines. It’s running over an hour late. Earlier today we met with RL and his wife Vanessa in front of our Love A Child church, which David George[…]

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From Voodoo Poverty to Christian Entrepreneur!

What an incredible story!! This woman is Janise Dolean from Chambrun. This is a poor village, with mostly voodoo people. We recently had a food distribution here, and what sweet people they are! After the distribution, Joseph and Peter, who work with us, went with Joel Trimble to interview this[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“This One Belongs to God!” In 2 Chronicles 20:10, King Jehoshaphat faces an overwhelming evil force…three countries/provinces have joined battle against Judah…the King of Ammon, the King of Moab, and the King of Mount Seir. Judah is “way outnumbered.” Have you ever felt that way? Outnumbered? We have, many times.[…]

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Joseph…From Malnutrition to Mechanic

When Joseph and Sarah were born, their mother and father lived far in the mountains. Their mother died when they were about two years old. Both had severe kwashiorkor malnutrition and were very sad. We took Joseph and Sarah into our orphanage. Joseph likes to play soccer and work! He[…]

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