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Word from the Mission Field

We are on the winning side! Behold, I am the Lord, the God of all flesh: is there anything too hard for me? We are in a battle of spiritual and natural warfare. But, we are on the winning side!! I remember years ago when I took our son Jonathan to a[…]

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Show Me Those Muscles!

In January of 2018, a little toddler was abandoned in the mud near our gate. He had some of his teeth “knocked out,” and had been burned, bitten, and starved. We took him to our Jesus Healing Center, and he was terrified. He had been abused horribly and had malnutrition. But when a child feels love, he or she heals so[…]

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Our Jesus Healing Center Clinic is Full Every Day

We just walked into our “Jesus Healing Center” clinic emergency room, and it was full of people. (There were others behind the draped area.) Our ER is full nearly every day. We have motorcycle accidents, car wrecks, burned children, and almost anything else you can think of! These people were[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

All my life, I’ve always heard about the “calling of God” to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Couples have sold their homes, and people have left their jobs to move to the mission field…anywhere they felt that God wanted them to go. Many[…]

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Update from Haiti

Update: Today, we had plans to travel to L’Artibonite where we are feeding the children a hot cooked meal every day. Due to ever-changing plans, it did not work out today. One thing about being a missionary here in Haiti… you must be flexible. In Haiti, it’s very difficult to get things[…]

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Kristela is the Sunshine in Our Lives!

This is Kristela. Her mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother were all deeply involved in Voodoo. They all lived in the village of Savaan Pit, high in the mountains. We were there, conducting a “Mobile Clinic,” when Kristela‘s mother, Madamn Paul, came to see us. She was expecting, and she was very sick. WE knew that she would not last long, and so we told her about Jesus, and she accepted Jesus as her Savior.  Twelve days later, Madamn Paul died after giving birth to Kristela. Her poor father brought the baby to us, covered with sores and malnourished. We took her in and raised her here at Love A Child. Kristela is in her “11th” year at school. She loves to cook,[…]

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Haiti Still Under a Level 4 Warning

Many people have been asking us when we will start having teams come back to Haiti. We will not be starting up teams again until “the Level 4 warning” has been lifted. A Level 4 warning is the highest, “most dangerous warning” a country can have. Haiti’s Level 4 warning is due to[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

THE EYE OF FAITH! “By faith he forsook Egypt, not fearing the wrath of the king: for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible.” Hebrews 11:27 Moses could see beyond what he could see in the natural. We have never seen God, but yet we can look all around us and[…]

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Beautiful Inside and Out!

This is Daphline. She is washing her “undies” out by hand (as do all the kids here at our Love A Child Children’s Home.) They say, “the washing machine does not get the underwear clean! Go figure! She was brought to us when she was just a small child, from one of the mountain areas where we work. She is 12 years old and in the 7th grade. She is a very “helpful girl,“ she is always helping someone,[…]

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Important Feeding Updates

Update 1: We had organized our food distribution in Truttier (the garbage dump) by sending in our food cards for the 330 families who live in this garbage dump area. This also included the “surrounding area” to receive their food from us this Thursday. The people were very hungry, and the[…]

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