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Ways We’re Helping Haitians to Help Themselves

Organic gardening in America is almost a luxury or exotic. In Haiti, it is almost a necessity because there aren’t fertilizers and insecticides readily available for the average Haitian subsistence farmer.  At our sustainable gardening training class in Haiti, we emphasize organic methods like making good rich compost as part of the natural, organic nutrients for the plants. Here you see the students learning to mix layers of kitchen scraps, green bio-mass, dried bio-mass, and soil into[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 – This day belongs to the Lord! Wake up praising the Lord this morning, He is on our side! Run devil run! Bobby

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Walking in His Purpose

Dieuferly… I couldn’t believe this child, the first time I saw him… His mom was holding him, and his little clubfeet were all twisted. He and his family of nine brothers and sisters had been living in the mountains so far away in Covant. When I looked at him, I could see a young man aged 17 or 18 crawling on the ground with clubfeet.  At that time, the U.S. military occupied Haiti. We found some military doctors who would do the surgeries, but they were not[…]

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Update on Travel to L’Artibonite Village

Early this morning, our “feeding team” went out ahead of us to prepare for the feeding program. When they reached the area several miles north of St. Marc, all of a sudden, there were huge roadblocks in all four directions. It was impossible to pass or go through! They were[…]

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Our Truck Made it Through!

Our truck made it through on Saturday to take the Feed My Starving Children meals, which will last for more than two weeks of cooking and feeding 1,000 children per day except for Saturday. PTL! I can’t mention the name of the village because of security reasons. So far today, we have not been able to get through. Young thugs[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Look on Us…” In Acts Chapter 3:1-12 is the story of a man lame from birth. He had NEVER walked before in his life so he just resigned himself to being a “beggar for life.” He wanted to work, he wanted to walk, he wanted to go into the temple,[…]

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Note from David George in Villa Hermosa, DR

“Wow!!! What an incredible day we have had at our Love A Child church today in Villa Hermosa. It was so anointed!! RL, Vanessa, Jessie, and the music team were amazing!!! Angie and I, and Bobby and Sherry are so happy with what took place today. We had to take[…]

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God Has Big Plans for Little Zachary

Baby Zachary is really growing! He’s also going on a diet!! You would never believe that this happy baby was in the arms of his “Voodoo” mother, who had planned to kill him with her knife. His mother also had five children who had “died,” and a little sister who was missing! The Social Services Department of Haiti asked us to take the baby away from his mother. This little guy was malnourished and “fussy!” I think that’s why our “moms” at the orphanage gave him so much “comfort food!” Ha! We don’t[…]

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Bringing the Word in Villa Hermosa, DR

David George just sent us this video from our Love A Child church in the Dominican Republic! David George and his friends funded this church to be built in this poor, Haitian/Dominican area, Villa Hermosa! RL and his group are singing and you can “feel the anointing!” Be looking for pictures[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Is Anything too Hard for the Lord?” Genesis 18:11… “Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age, and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.” The angel of the Lord had just visited Sarah and Abraham and told them that Sarah was going to have a baby, a son. Sarah was now “very old,” and way past “childbearing,” so she laughed within[…]

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