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Little Samuel…All I Want for Christmas… 

It looks like “all he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth!” Little Samuel was brought to us at the age of two by the “Department of Social Services.” This is the department that deals with orphanages in Haiti. (They make each orphanage leave 10% of their bed space[…]

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Teaming Up in the DR to Give School Supplies and Food!

What a wonderful day yesterday in the Dominican Republic working with the Haitians and the Dominicans! We have partnered together with David and Angie George, along with RL and Vanessa. Wish we could have been there! The children are the future! Tomorrow, they will be in Villa Hermosa at our Love A Child[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Divine Favor… Joseph had favor before his father, Jacob, and had favor when he was thrown in prison unjustly by his brothers. Joseph had favor in Potipher’s house, favor again when he was thrown in prison, unjustly, and favor before the Pharaoh. He was 30 years old when he stood before the Pharaoh,[…]

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His Future is Limitless

Both of Kenson‘s parents died when he was a baby, and he was brought to our Love A Child orphanage. He has grown up with “lots of brothers and sisters.” He is kind, sweet, quiet, and gentle with all the little children. He loves outdoor sports, but he also loves music!  Kenson loves to “dress nicely” and is very particular about what he wears to church! In his spare time, he is always working with our best mechanics because that’s what he wants to do. He is 18 and in the 12th grade, and we believe he will do or be anything he wants…because he has a passion for certain things. Maybe we will have “another mechanic” here[…]

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Another Future Doctor!

This is our sweet Dimelia! She is the one who came to us at about age 3 or 4; she had been badly burned and could not lift her arm above her head nor turn her neck. From that age on for years, she went back and forth to the[…]

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Place a Hedge of Protection Around Us

Today we are loading our truck again with meals from “Feed My Starving Children” for another two weeks. I cannot name the location for security reasons. The village is 150 miles from Fond Parisien. Sherry and I have not been able to go with the meals to be delivered for several months now due to the gangs. It is very dangerous. This time we are working out a way to go and be safe. We have plans to deliver the meals ourselves, along with staff and security. We will be delivering the meals on Monday, where we will cook and serve 1,000 children each day, except for Sunday. We really need your prayers. Many poor families live inside the garbage dump of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Turn your face to the wall…” Hezekiah was a great king in the Bible. He reigned over Judah. He was a God-fearing king who had torn down all of the idols in the kingdom from those kings who had come before him. He “cleaned house,” and got rid of the[…]

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Brother and Sister

George has been driving cars, trucks, front-end loaders, etc., almost anything with wheels, since he was a kid. We never knew he was learning how to drive! You could say he was good at driving us crazy. Ha! I had heard the story of George’s mother and father when I used to go to Port-au-Prince to buy medicine for my Mobile Medical Clinics. A young lady in the pharmacy told me about a poor woman who had five children, was pregnant with another, and was going to “abandon the baby at the hospital” after she had given birth. She could not afford to feed another child. She was looking for an orphanage to take the baby once born, so I agreed.[…]

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Little Wilson Not So Little!

We have recently seen a lot of children and babies with severe malnutrition. Some of this is due to the fact that the crops are not good, there are no jobs, there are too many children in the family to feed, and the rising price of food. The fact is[…]

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Haitians Want to Work!

This morning, as we walked around the building of the new Jesus Healing Center, two Haitians made this comment; “Look at all the people employed by Love A Child… yard workers, cleaning agents, workers in the depot, not counting all the men working on the new Jesus Healing Center, and those laying the road pavers. The men said, “If you had not[…]

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