We are so thankful for our wonderful friends and partners who send in so many items we need! I was so, so happy to get “hand-made” face masks from our friend Lorraine! Wow! I was so happy to get these!! And another donor sent in “boxes” of new white twin sheets for our single beds! You...
The guys are painting the Joyce Meyer - Hand of Hope Malnutrition Center. Almost finished! Please don’t be afraid to answer. Sherry does not like this green color. I like the green color trimmed in white. Some Haitians like it and some don’t. The Haitians who say they don’t like it are probably just trying...
GOD NEVER CHANGES! “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” Hebrews 13:8 The world is on the edge of a new order. The day will come when we preach against sin, and we will be put in prison. The church is growing lukewarm. Many are just teaching and preaching an "anemic gospel." The...
Little eight-year-old Ginyia is a pistol! To anyone else, you would think she is shy, but she is not! For as small as she is, she is very "active," and she is really a hard worker! She is always washing clothes by hand, sweeping, taking care of the babies, or anything else she can do!...
As you can see, after many days of waiting, we finally got permission to fly back to Haiti on a private plane. It was a good trip but filled with a lot of anxiety to get home. When we arrived at our Love A Child Children's Home, most of the children were eating lunch, but...
Right now, we are boarding a small plane headed for Haiti. The Lord worked a miracle, and we finally received permission for the private plane to land in Haiti. We are so thankful to the Lord for allowing us to be back so soon, and especially at a time like this. Please remember us, and our...
"As His Part is that Goeth Down to the Battle" "For who will hearken unto you in this matter? but as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike." I Samuel 30:24 I love the books of I and II...
Our little boys love to work... picking up the trash, sweeping, cleaning their rooms, etc. But, today, Camey, one of the older men who are over the boys, decided he would let the little boys, Samuel, Noah, Kenzy, and Joshua, "kill the bugs!" Ha! It was so funny! These little guys "went to town" and...
Today in Haiti, our Love A Child workers delivered a truck full of medical hospital supplies and hazard uniforms to L'opital Coseco (Hospital Coseco). They were donated to us by World Vision, and we are happy to share with others. We will be distributing to other hospitals as soon as the next medical container comes....
Good news, PTL! We just received word that we have permission from the Haitian government to fly into Haiti tomorrow on a private flight. The airport in Port-au-Prince is closed to all international airlines. Everyone in Haiti is so happy, especially our children. We are so happy! We will have a wonderful week together feeding...