This is Jean Richard, playing the keyboard, and Christian and Michael singing on our Love A Child radio broadcast! Franck Joseph is the station manager and does an awesome job!! We had some really wonderful local talent, as other churches and pastors participated. It is great to see how our Love A Child kids use their talent...
Radio 103.9 stereo FM Love A Child This morning we shared the resurrection message on the radio to our Haitian community and around the world. He has risen! The League of Pastors are still preaching and singing live. Shortly, two of our Haitian children will be singing. It’s amazing how Haitians are watching Facebook live from...
JESUS HAS RISEN! THE STONE HAS BEEN ROLLED AWAY. Jesus rose from the dead three days after his resurrection. Jesus said "after three days I will rise again" Matthew 27:63 “Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.” John 11: 25 Matthew Chapter 27...
We just had to send baby Zachary to Ebeneezer Hospital. He has severe breathing problems. He has always had some (maybe asthma) but it has been so hot lately and he is really having trouble breathing. Our clinic is open Monday through Friday but when there is an emergency on the weekends, we send the...
Miliana… We found Miliana in a village near Madamn Bauje many years ago. She had horrible malnutrition and a very abnormal skin condition. We have sent her to the States several times to see a very good dermatologist, but she still has the same condition. However, she had a wonderful host family, Beth Nolan and her...
103.9 FM stereo Love A Child radio Tomorrow is Easter, celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. He has risen! Several of the local pastors in our area will be speaking on the radio live tomorrow to their congregations due to the Haitian churches being closed due to COVID-19. Sherry and I will be on around 8:30 a.m....
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Update on meals being given out: We are so happy that we were able in the last two weeks to deliver food to all our monthly villages... Plus our 96 monthly organizations (over half are orphan homes) who came to our Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center to pick up their monthly meals. We were able to buy rice beyond our...
"Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things." We are always "looking on the outside," trying to determine if God could use that person... or, maybe that person is "you," with no talent, nothing to offer, so you think, "how could God possibly use me? I have nothing to offer..." All through the Bible, God used "ordinary people,"...
I know I posted a story about Jackson a few evenings ago, but I wanted to tell you how sweet and thoughtful he is! I was getting ready to leave the Children’s Home this morning and came down the stairs. I had white tennis shoes on. They were clean, but Jackson had his eye on...
Our children “love to cook” because they love to eat!! I just walked into the kitchen to see Widlene, Fabiola, Esther, and Rebecca making these little round dough things they call “fri-tay.” It has spices, onions, and lots of times it has other things like fish, etc. They are fried!! Haitians love them!! This becomes good...