Little 18-month old Albert was brought to our Jesus Healing Center by his mother. She had told us that she had seven children and after she had the last four, her husband left her with no job, no work, and no way of feeding the children. She carries water for people and tries to do "whatever she can" to feed them all... But 8 in a...
I love the book of Nehemiah! He stayed focused and obeyed the Lord. He and the Jews held a spear in one hand and a tool in the other hand to build the wall around God's city, Jerusalem! Sherry will go much deeper into the story in the morning. Don't miss it! The kings of different...
When I saw two babies at different times being born right there on the ground with no help for the little mother, it changed my life. Years ago, when Daniel Louis was working with our Love A Child teams, translating, he had gotten word that his pregnant wife was having a baby. Since Daniel was far...
Part Two - "The Show-Down"… “Take another look.” Elijah has just proved himself against a mob of idol worshippers... and they all ended up "dead." There has been a horrible drought in the land… Now, Elijah tells King Ahab, "you better get going. I hear the sound of an abundance of rain." Then, Elijah goes...
This is Jessica and Bianca. Their brother, Raphael, is also here at our children’s home! Jessica and Bianca are two sweet girls! Jessica loves to dance, and let me tell you, she dances better than any girl her age! Jessica is a little more on the hardheaded side and Bianca is more on the sweet...
What a sweet gift for these little girls at Madamn Adeline's orphanage! Thank you, Billie McCauley, for these adorable handmade dresses!!! The girls love them! They will be wearing them to Church! God bless you and thank you from the depths of our hearts! Bobby and Sherry
Look at our beautiful Birthing Center going up! They are finishing the "primer" (white) right now. The building will be "pink!" There will be beautiful white rocking chairs on the porch so that the moms can spend a little time with their babies, before "heading home," to the mountains, or a mud hut, or wherever...
"Look Who Shows Up, at the 'Show-down?'" - Part One In I Kings 18th chapter, there is a "show-down" on Mt. Carmel... "Whose god is God?" All Israel is gathered together along with the Prophet Elijah, facing off 450 prophets that worshipped Baal, along with 400 more, who ate at "Jezebel's table." Elijah challenges them to...
Does this look like Double Trouble or what?? This is Samuel and Noah from our Children’s home! I snapped this as they went down the slide together! These two are a mess!! Do you notice they are both missing their two front teeth? They are two peas in a pod and are always so joyful!...