Early this morning, the volunteer team took off deep into the mountains of Savann Pit for a Mobil Medical Clinic. There is no medical help in this area for miles around. Hundreds of people will be coming, especially mothers with their children. We just recently built a new church and a large school in Savann...
"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:...
We are ready to roll!!!! Our Mobile Medical Clinic team has arrived and the medicines have already made their way up the mountain! We are going to have a wonderful week up in Savaan Pit! We are so thankful for our volunteers who will really be roughing it this week! We will be high in...
Fresh brown eggs from our Love A Child chickens! Nothing like fresh eggs for breakfast. Moses, Christian, and Michael love working with the chickens. Bobby
"How long will you mourn? Fill your horn with oil…and go." 1 Samuel 15:35 — The prophet Samuel had just given a severe message to King Saul about his disobedience to the Lord. Samuel is grieved in his spirit that Saul has not followed the Lord's commandments. Samuel prophecies what will happen to Saul. They...
You all know Ti David (Little David) from our children’s home! Ti David is SO STUBBORN! Ha!! But he is also the SWEETEST! Ti David is a natural athlete! Any sport he plays, he plays well, as it comes to him naturally. He also has a great sense of humor as you can see! He...
We are having a blast with our children here at our children’s home. It’s pizza time!!! Thank you, David George, for buying the 25 pizzas and drinks from Epi d’Or at Gwo Maché Mirak! Yum! Wish you all could be here with us, or you can come some day. Children will keep you young! Thank...
We are all preparing for another volunteer medical team arriving tomorrow. On Sunday, we will be traveling far and high up the mountains into the interior to an area called Savaan Pit. We will be bringing medical help where there is none... and the word of God. Little Jackson who lives in our children's home...
“You don’t need a whole lot! Just use what little you’ve got!” In chapter 14 of 1 Samuel, the Philistines are challenging God's people from Israel. The problem was, in those days the Israelites had no metal swords or axes. King Saul and Jonathan were the only ones who had swords. That's really tough when...
The child to be left and forgotten! Wow, that is exactly what comes to my mind when I think of Noah and all that God has done for him! You remember Noah being left outside of our gate severely beaten and burned in many areas. Noah went through a long period where he would not...