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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“As Far as the Eye of Faith Can See.”

And the Lord said unto Abram… “Lift up now thine eyes, and look from the place where thou art, northward and southward and eastward and westward; For all the land which thou seest, to thee, will I give it;” Genesis 13:14-15

The Lord was telling Abram (later Abraham), “as far as you can see with the eye of faith, that’s yours!” When we first came to the land of Fond Parisien, where we are now, it was the ugliest land I had ever seen in Haiti! I actually begged Bobby to take land up in the mountains of Kenscoff, where it was cool, had trees, and water.

Our land was ugly! Voodoo people were living on it. There were no active wells (some had been dug a long time ago and were not functioning.) This land had been abandoned for 40 years. Large trees called, “pikan” covered the land, with their long, thick needles. When we walked, big, huge thorns stuck into our boots! Other bushes were there called, “Flying Satan.” They shot little “thorn daggers” at you when you walked by. There was nothing pretty or habitable about this land.

But, Bobby could see with the “eye of faith.” He could see a beautiful orphanage and schools and other projects on the land. He could see Voodoo people getting saved because he was looking at it “with the eye of faith.” We are still here, years later, living in a two-story orphanage with 85 kids; the Lord has blessed us with a church, a school, a clinic, a radio station, the Birthing Center, and now, a “larger clinic is being built,” and soon we will open our Malnutrition Clinic.

When God makes a promise to you, it cannot be seen with your “natural eye.” Faith goes beyond our five senses. It sees through things and faith sees things “as they will be,” and not as they are right now. If you are going through a trial and God has promised you something, don’t look at it with your natural eye, because all you will see is “the thorns.” Look at it with the “eye of faith,” that pleases God and in His timing, it WILL come to pass! Have a great day! Sherry

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