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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

How many times, when we are in the midst of a great struggle or a battle in our lives, we turn and look at the problem instead of looking at Jesus? The disciples of Jesus had seen many miracles done by the Master’s hand. One of the greatest miracles was for a common fisherman, named Peter, to walk on water!

All the disciples were in a boat when a great tempest (hurricane) struck. (Matthew 14:22-34.) In the middle of this, Jesus comes walking to them on the water, in the hurricane!!! The disciples now, in the boat, in the storm, see “something looking like a spirit, walking on water…and it is Jesus! He says, “Be of good cheer. It is I. Be not afraid.”

And bold Peter says, “If it’s really you, bid me come to you on the water!” And, Jesus says, “Come!” Peter jumps out of the boat and walks to “Jesus,” in the storm, on the water! As long as Peter had his eyes on Jesus, he was walking on a miracle! But, the moment he thought about the reality of what was happening, he took his eyes off Jesus for a moment and started to sink! Of course, the Lord saved him.

There is a song that says, “I can’t take my eyes off of Him!” This should be our prayer, every minute of the day…no matter what we are going through…”I can’t take my eyes off of Him!”

Have a wonderful day!

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