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Jesus Paves the Way

Jesus Paves the Way

Unusual need paid for! Praise the Lord!

We have a gravel road coming in from our entrance turning and going up through the Jesus Healing Center, Malnutrition Center, and the Birthing Center. Two weeks ago, I was sitting on the porch of the Birthing Center where many of the pregnant mothers sit. Others wait out front on cement benches. A big cloud of white dust came up from the road. Since the winds are pretty strong out here, the white dust blows over everyone who comes for any medical help. This happens every day. I thought, Lord, we could never pave this road with black asphalt. It would cost way too much money. I thought if we would put in pavers, it would look beautiful and would never need any maintenance…but this would be expensive.  The Lord spoke to my heart and said the need will be supplied. I contacted a construction company for a price. Two days later the Lord spoke to a family’s heart to pay the need in full! Praise the Lord!

No longer will the little Haitian mothers and others coming for medical help will be covered in dust! I’m so happy and thankful! The construction company is working now. It’s a big job. God can do anything! It looks like the new paver road will be finished by the time we open the new Jesus Healing Center at the end of October!
Thank you!
Bobby Burnette

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