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The people of Sa-pa-te: 8-22-2015 9:00 PM

These precious people are from the village of “Sa-pa-te,” where children make and eat mud cookies. They make them to sell, but they also eat them all day when they are hungry. These are the parents of the hungry children, with big boxes of food in their arms. They said, “Love A Child is the first group of people who ever promised them anything and kept their word.” There is a Creole Proverb that says, “Promès se det,” which means “Your promise is a debt.”  Keep your word and keep your promise, especially to the unreached. God bless you, Sherry

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Lights Shine for Jesus: 8-22-2015 7:00 PM

Here are some more photos of the cross going up on the mountain in the village of Peyi Pouri. Let the light of Jesus shine! Praise the Lord! Thank you David George and your partners for sponsoring the cross on the mountain. Thank you Jesus. Bobby

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Rising up the cross: 8-21-2015 6:00 PM

We were raising up the cross and we had it half way up and then it fell! No one was hurt. We are doing some welding and then trying again. Pray! We are thankful to Pastor Claude, Pastor Souffrant, Philemon, Clepson and many more Haitians for all of their help. Bobby and David George

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A New Shining Cross for Peyi Pouri: 8-21-2015 3:45 PM

Right now, Bobby, David George, and some of our Love A Child workers are on top of the mountain in Peyi Pouri. The workers are trying to erect a 40-foot high cross for the Peyi Pouri Church. It will be lit up with solar lights, and will be the “City Set on the Hill, which cannot be hid!” The high iron and cement cross is so heavy that it has taken many men to erect it, and it has already fallen once today. But when they get it up, just think what a testimony this will be for the poorest of the poor, who served God under this ripped, torn tent on top of a high mountain. Now, everyone will know that they are there and that they are serving a “God who cares!” Thank you, David George and partners! Sherry

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Meet Janel: 8-21-2015 12:30 PM

This young man’s name is Janel. He is from the village we just finished working in, called “Sa-pa-te.” (Sa-pa-te means, “That’s not earth, or dirt.”) This is the village where they make mud cookies by the thousands for hungry Haitian children to eat. Janel was literally starving to death. We have added him to our feeding program. These children “break the heart of God,” and they break our hearts too.  Bobby and Sherry

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Putting up the cross on the mountain: 8-21-2015 AM

This morning we are on our way up the dangerous mountain to Peyi Pouri. Yesterday the Haitians quickly put up the 42-foot, 800 pound cross. Today we must cut and weld it, then drop the cross back in the ground in order to finish painting it. We’ll finish this project by installing big solar lights up and down the cross!!  This will be a very dangerous job. Please pray it will all go well with no accidents. This cross is set on top of a high mountain where Fond Parisien and many other cities can see the cross light up at night! We are so excited! Shine on for Jesus in the middle of voodoo country everywhere!! We will try to give you an update from the cross. Thank you David George and your partners for making this possible. Bobby

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Word from the Mission Field: 8-28-2015 6:30 AM

“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance…” Colossians 3:23-24 — Sometimes it is easy to get distracted in this world, as to “whom” we are working “for.” Everything we do, every act of kindness, even our job where we work, we must do this “as unto the Lord.” God can bless your job and promote you, when you do your work “as unto the Lord!” Have a great day. Sherry

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Refugee Village 08-21-15

There is still a refugee village called Camp Handicappe near Airport Road in Haiti. The people and their families living in these shacks are victims of the earthquake. Most of the people are handicapped, like Edna. She and her husband, along with their eight children were living in Port-au-Prince when the earthquake hit. Edna’s husband and one child were killed. Edna suffered spinal injuries, which has left her paralyzed. Thankfully, she is receiving food each month from Karen Bultje and Coram Deo. This is food that we share with 70 other missionary organizations each month, and it means a lot to a mother like Edna and her seven children. Thank you and God bless you. Sherry

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Going to Peyi Pouri: 8-21-2015 10:00 AM

This morning David George and I tried going up to Peyi Pouri. We had planned to put the large 40-foot cross up that has solar lights, so at night you will be able to see it from many miles away, and all the way down into the valley of Fond Parisien. We started out with two trucks, but then things started to go wrong. We decided to send the two trucks ahead of us and we will go to Peyi Pouri tomorrow. God bless Philemon and our Haitian staff who always manage to get things done. Pastor Claude left at 5:00 AM to meet us there to help us with the cross. The best is yet to come! Bobby

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Word from the Mission Field – 08-21-15

“For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 – This is the hope of the church. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus. Bobby

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