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Saving Baby Georges

Poverty, disease, and hunger are killing Haiti’s children, especially toddlers. There are more gangs every day, taking over the homes of the poor, the businesses, and the roads! Working mothers like Madamn Georges find it hard to get to the market with gangs everywhere! When their children are sick, they[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“EXCEEDING ABUNDANTLY ABOVE.” Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon were written while Paul was in prison… Yet he said in prison under the anointing of the Lord these words, “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that[…]

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Mackenson, He’s Another Miracle!

Just look at this sweet, 15-year-old boy, with a huge smile. We were in the village of Covant, Haiti, our “hardest-to-reach,” village, where we had a Love A Child church and school. It had already taken us hours by foot and mule to reach this location. We didn’t have much[…]

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Border Problems

As many of you know, the President of the Dominican Republic has closed the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. This was all over “canal water rights” in the northern part, between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. The canal in question was the one that the former President of[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

The Lord told Solomon in the third chapter of Kings that he could have anything he asked for. Solomon chose WISDOM above all the things he could have asked for. “For wisdom is better than rubies, and all the things that may be desired are not to be compared to it.”[…]

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We’re So Proud of Jean Richard…

In Haiti, if you have a disability, you won’t be alive very long, or if you do live, you will be worse off than anyone can imagine. For someone born with cerebral palsy, you could consider your life gone, especially if you lived in the mountains. When the 2010 earthquake[…]

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Border Wall/Gate

Please pray the Dominican Republic will open the border soon. We have lifesaving Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals which need to cross the border. So many Haitian families by the thousands have been displaced by the gangs taking over their houses or burning them down. Everyone is desperate for[…]

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“A Safe Place to Give Birth…”

In our Love A Child Birthing Center, we consider all pregnant women and all newborns as a “divine gift” from God. Here in Haiti, violence is everywhere, and it is very difficult for a pregnant woman to get to a Maternity Clinic due to gangs. Our Birthing Center is open[…]

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LAC TV Program “A Forgotten Village” Begins Today!

The people of Fond Bayard were desperate for medical care. Love A Child saw their need and brought a brilliant team of doctors, nurses, staff members, and their own children, to serve the poor, despondent, forgotten village. They didn’t stop there; they also sent a bus into the surrounding mountains[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“How Bad Do You Want It?” Matt 11:12 Praying a “weak prayer” and “forgetting about it” will get you “nowhere.” Like the little woman and the unjust judge in Matthew 18:1-8. This poor woman pounded on the door of the mean, nasty, in-just judge! Even though he did not want[…]

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