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Word from the Mission Field

“The God of More than Enough…” Luke 9:16-17 “Then He, Jesus,” took the five loaves and two fishes, and looking up to Heaven, He blessed them, and broke, and gave to the disciples to set before the “multitude.” “And they did eat, and were all filled: and there was taken[…]

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Kenzy… “A Sweetie”

Of all our children, I would say that Kenzy is the sweetest! He is shy and has a little “sneaky grin.” We first met Kenzy when his mother brought him to our old Jesus Healing Center Clinic. His eyes were shut with a horrible infection. He had a running and[…]

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The Best is Yet to Come!

We had a wonderful year-end board meeting today at our Love A Child office in Fort Myers, Florida. The Lord is good… through it all, we are finishing the year strong! We have great plans for 2023… and we are thankful for our board of 12 people. “There is wisdom[…]

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Building six Gabion houses per week!

Desmornes Exanord and his family have been living under a tent in an extremely remote area by the name of Koray for over twelve months since the earthquake destroyed their home in 2021. The greatest Christmas gift ever will be a new house being built by Love A Child; these[…]

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LAC TV Program “A Cheerful Giver” Begins Friday!

Love A Child’s greatest joy is feeding hungry children; this episode brings you face-to-face with several starving families throughout Haiti. Your heart will be touched as you hear from a girl who struggles with the pain of abandonment, picking up the burden of additional work to get by. A boy[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God loves a sad giver… No, the Bible says “God loves a cheerful giver” II Corinthians 9:7 “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be[…]

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Sarah… Beautician and Nail Stylist

Sarah… Nickname, “Sassoue” When Sarah was brought to us with severe malnutrition, we never knew how God was going to bless her life and her talents in the future. She has been at Beauty College in Haiti for two years, and she “has found her joy in life!” She is[…]

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Beans! Beans!

I had my picture taken this afternoon with all these pinto beans in our Love A Child warehouse at the Love A Child office in Fort Myers. We have 42,000 pounds of pinto beans ready to ship to Haiti when all the gangs settle down. Plus, we have the same[…]

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More Haiti News

This week Jesse Ostrander is in Haiti working on projects and leaving Friday for Florida. Last week Pastor Mark Ostrander was in Haiti working on our projects…The children love Mark and Jesse! Now Pastor Mark is back in Florida. Today, Mark and Evie Ostrander are driving down to our Love[…]

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“Perfect Peace…”

We are living in a day and time when it is sometimes hard to find “perfect peace.” When we listen to the news, there is never “good news” anymore. There are wars and threats of wars… the price of everything is going up. There is such an “ungodly” spirit in[…]

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