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LAC TV Program “The Way Maker” Begins Friday!

Love A Child delivers food to the desperate and needy all throughout Haiti, from the tops of mountains to the middle of dried-up rice fields. Regardless of the terrain, what these people have in common is their need to find food. Your heart will break as you hear from a[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“I’ve Come too Far to Look Back…” I often wonder why anyone would “look back” after becoming a Christian and after all that the Lord has done for us… Abram and Lot (Abram’s spoiled nephew), had been blessed so much that they could no longer live together. They “had too many cattle,” and “too much of everything.” Graciously, Abram gave Lot first choice of the land. Lot, of course, chose the greenest land, the land overlooking Sodom… Abram was left with Canaan. But[…]

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A Grandmother’s Love…

Madamn Ovana had just finished part of “a hard day’s work” and sat down to rest. She, like so many Haitian elderly, helps care for their grandchildren while their mothers try to find a way a make money for food. Living in a “stick house,” with mud to fill the[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Hurry Up, God!” Never have we lived in a society of “move faster and hurry up!” This is why people make the wrong decision… they feel they are forced into a “quick decision,” which may harm them physically and spiritually. The children of Israel had almost “crossed the line” with God.[…]

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Widlene… a Future Cook!

Widlene is one of our older girls at Love A Child who “loves to cook!” Bobby and I had to come back to the States for my doctor’s appointment because I had an injury to my back – two broken bones. My older girls and boys keep in touch with[…]

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How Many Can You Put In One House?

Seventy-four-year-old Brunel Odevil and his wife Immaculee, 67, along with five daughters and seven grandchildren, were living under tarps for over a year and had lost all hope of having their home replaced after the earthquake of 2021. By God’s grace, Love A Child has provided a beautiful home for[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

God will shut the mouth of the lion for you!! “My God hath sent his angel, and hath shut the lions’ mouths, that they have not hurt me…” (Daniel 6: 22) Read and study Daniel, the 6th chapter. I felt the Holy Spirit move on me so strong to give you this[…]

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Smart as a Whip!

Joshua… he’s always into something, whether he is riding a donkey or grabbing a fish for the “food distribution!” Joshua is not afraid of anything, even learning to ride the donkey!!! He is little, but fearless! When he was born, he had severe malnutrition. His mother abandoned him in the weeds[…]

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Latest Updated News – Haiti

Sherry and I returned to Florida over the weekend. Sherry had broken her back in two places (two fractures). Jesse Ostrander had lined her up in the Dominican Republic to meet a specialist and have an x-ray, bone density test, and an MRI all in one day. The doctor said[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Sometimes, You Gotta Do This to Get an Answer.” People have different ways of praying. Daniel “opened up his window towards the east and prayed three times a day. Others pray on their knees, and some people walk and talk to God. But, there comes a time, when a tragedy[…]

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