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Food Makes a Difference

One can never appreciate what a blessing food is, until they go hungry. I grew up in a family of five children and a father who was an alcoholic. My mother would go into her room, get on her knees and pray for food, many times. Because of prayer, I am what[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“God is working His plan…” I almost hate to watch the news each evening, or even listen to it. There is absolutely no good news! I think that even if they had “good news,” they would not share it because they only want us to hear “bad news.” We really[…]

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Ericka… aka “Madamn Jeune”

It’s hard to believe that our little Ericka is now 17. When we found her, she was covered from head to toe with sores. She cried all the time. Her mother had died shortly after her birth, probably due to eclampsia. A lady who tried to take care of her[…]

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Urgent News

Here at Love A Child in Fond Parisien, Haiti, we have to run everything by a generator. Today, our generator gives electricity to the Jesus Healing Center Clinic, the Malnutrition Center, the Birthing Center, and our Office. This morning, we just found out that despite our mechanics working long hours,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

No matter what the world throws at us today or tomorrow, we must remember “who we are,” “who we serve,” and “who we must account to.” Even when we are treated badly or don’t feel like helping someone, the love of God constrains us… “And let us not be weary[…]

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Daniel… Another “Quiet Twin”

Daniel is one of three sets of twins we have at our Love A Child Children’s Home. He and his sister were supposed to be triplets, but due to his mother giving birth in a mud home with no doctor, one twin, along with his mother, both died. Daniel was[…]

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In our community and the surrounding areas, the people are suffering for food desperately. I never realized how much all the people really depended on our Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals. They call it “ti-pa-nou,” which means “just a little for us.” I’m hearing very sad stories of children[…]

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More Fruits and Vegetables

Wilner just brought more fruits and vegetables to our Children’s Home from our Agricultural Training Center Sustainability Program! Beautiful! We have a three-week and a two-year program teaching Haitians how to grow and improve their crops, even in bad soil. “You can catch a fish and eat for a day,[…]

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LAC TV Program “When You Give to the Poor” Begins Friday!

Love A Child is back in the Nippes region delivering food, shelter, and hope. The recipients of your generosity share the hardships and struggles they and their children have experienced over the past several months. A young boy talks about the responsibilities he has taken on after his father has[…]

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