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A Matching Gift Challenge!

We have just received a communication from a long-time donor regarding a “Matching Gift Challenge” due to the severe conditions and humanitarian needs here in Haiti. The donor wishes to remain anonymous but makes a challenge to our donors that he will match “dollar for dollar,” up to $95,000!

This means that whatever gift you can give will be doubled!

All gifts must be received by Sunday, September 18th, to qualify for his matching donation. This is a great opportunity to make your donation twice as powerful by making a new donation under this ‘Matching Gift Challenge!”

Your gift must be marked “Matching Gift Challenge!”

Please give now:

  • Phone: 239-210-6107
  • Please mail letters and contributions to:

Love A Child, Inc.
PO Box 60063
Fort Myers, Florida 33906-6063

We have until Sunday, September 18th, to receive these “Matching Gifts”!

We are so thrilled about this wonderful gift because we are struggling hard here in the country of Haiti, with rising prices of food, gasoline, diesel, and everything else. This is a wonderful opportunity to bless the poor!!!

Thank you, and may God Bless you.

Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” John 3:16-17

John 3:16 is the first scripture that I ever heard while sitting on my father’s lap. He read this scripture to me many nights. I remember it like it was yesterday.

God gave his son for you and me, so we would not perish but have everlasting life. Jesus did not come to condemn us or tell us how bad we are. Jesus came to save us! We should not perish but have everlasting life!

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Kenzy… “A Child Laughs When He Should Cry.”

That’s our little sweetie, Kenzy. To describe this little guy, I would say, “He is like an old man in the body of a child!”

Kenzy’s father died before his mother, so Kenzy was abandoned. A Haitian pastor brought him to us, full of sores, a skinny little “runt,” of a baby. He had severe malnutrition. We noticed that he was always “sickly and frail,” but then, the doctor discovered he had sickle cell anemia. He must be under a doctor’s care at all times and on special meds.

Kenzy is quiet but he has a “mischievous look” in his eyes! He is not a bad little kid, but harmless and mischievous. He may sneak up to my room to get a piece of candy and then, “sneak downstairs,” quietly, but not without saying “thank you, Mommie!”

Kenzie wants to be a doctor (but he hates needles!) One of his daily jobs is cleaning the yard and disinfecting the railings. His favorite toy is a remote control car we bought him last Christmas. He is four and in 1st grade and he is a sweetie!


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Earthquake Anniversary

Today is the one-year anniversary of the 2021 South Haiti earthquake.

Early in the morning of August 14, 2021, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake struck southwest Haiti, killing 2,200 people, injuring more than 12,000, and causing hospitals, schools, and homes to collapse. Hundreds of thousands of people were in immediate need of humanitarian help, and many still are today.

With the help of many of our friends and partners, we sent tons of life-saving food. Jesse Ostrander, along with Hubert and his team, covered part of southwest Haiti as Sherry and I went into Jeremie (the south tip of Haiti), meeting and working with Mayor Yvrose. We brought with us tons of rice, beans, cooking oil, and carnation milk for the people in “a big ship.”

With many of you helping with our next step, we purchased and sent over 2,000 camping tents to help to supply shelter for families to keep them out of the rain. We sent in hundreds of tarps to supply some relief from the rain, for those who did not receive a tent. We sent new blankets, personal items, clothes, and relief supplies.

With the help of our partners working together, we started building the special earthquake resistance “Gabion Houses” for those who lost everything. Our goal, by faith, is to build 100 by the end of the year. We have 60 built now… working on more by faith!

Note: Since last August 2021, many tremors have struck south Haiti including several earthquakes. Even last Monday, a magnitude 5.3 earthquake struck the Department of Nippes area (south Haiti), again. Two people were killed and many homes were damaged. Some people are scared to go back into their homes.

PTL! Not one of our Gabion houses suffered any damage at all! Personally speaking, I would never live in South Haiti, unless I lived in a Gabion house! The first Gabion house Sherry and I dedicated was for a blind grandma who lost her house in the earthquake. She and her family have been extremely thankful ever since.

$9,000 will build a beautiful Gabion house with two or three bedrooms with a front porch. Please pray, any amount will help. Thank you for your prayers and support. We are working together… Love is something you do!!

Note: If you would like to donate, you can go to our website and give. Or, you can give by phone: 239-210-6107; or you can give by mail: Love A Child, Inc., PO Box 60063, Fort Myers, FL 33906-6063.

Thank you so much and may God bless you.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Word from the Mission Field

Time: Time is our most valuable currency. “To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” Ecclesiastes 3:1

“But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his son, made of a woman, made under the law.” Galatians 4:4

Sometimes we all get in a hurry and ask God to hurry up in our lives. God has a time; God has a moment when his fullness of his will comes into our lives. We must be sensitive to the Holy Spirit when his time comes our way to step in and do what the Lord has called us to do for him.

Bobby and Sherry

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Little Samuel… Still Missing Those Teeth!

This little guy who still sings “off key,” is now seven and will be in second grade! We call him “Little Samuel,” because we have two Samuels! But, this one is still missing his two front teeth!

Samuel’s father is unknown, probably Dominican, and his mother could no longer care for him, so he was brought to Love A Child by the Department of Social Services. Samuel is sweet, quiet, funny, and sings “off key,” loudly, in the church service nightly. In fact, he sings so loudly that everyone stops singing and starts laughing… but he doesn’t care.

He loves to spend his time playing and doesn’t like to go to sleep! He is in better health now because he was having a lot of stomach problems. He doesn’t mind work… he usually is “disinfecting the railings at the orphanage,” and picking up trash on the property. He now says he “wants to be a doctor!” We will see about that! Samuel is a sweet child. I hope he stays that way! Ha!


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He Looks Just Like His Mama!

This little cutie is “Julia’s baby boy.” As most of you know, Julia was one of our older Love A Child kids. We raised her and her siblings. She had been with us since we started our orphanage with 8 children… (two families of four children each).

We sent Julia to college in Haiti so that she could work in a lab. When we built our Birthing Center, that is where her heart was… She was head of the lab at our Birthing Center here in Fond Parisien, Haiti.

When Julia passed away during childbirth, about a week ago, it affected so many lives. There are hundreds of Haitian workers on our property and they all knew and loved Julia. She was not only “the best,” but she was always a devout Christian, kind and gentle. She knew she would have complications in getting pregnant, but she wanted this baby so badly. When she went to a special hospital near Croix des Bouquet, they took the baby by C-section but she died.

The funeral will be here at Love A Child Friday but her husband and others will be coming from Port-au-Prince and other areas on Wednesday through Friday. Florence, her sister, whom we sent to college in Italy to study radiology, will be flying in for the funeral. She will be the one who will name this adorable little boy! We have many children here and “one more Angel in Heaven.”


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From the “Dunghill to a Fashion Designer”

Hannah’s Prayer… “The Lord makes the poor and He makes the rich; He bringeth low and He lifteth up; He raiseth up the poor out of the dust and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set him among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of Glory…” I Sam: 7-8

This is Jean Edwouard; he is such a sweet, honest and respectful young man. He is now 20, and all the ladies in the orphanage love and respect him. They call him “Direct!” (A name like “boss!”)

We found him in the mud hut village of Old Letant. He was about six years old. He was carrying water on his head and making a fire all by himself to cook food for a large family. Jean Edwouard was a restavek slave child. When his parents died, he went to live with relatives. He would have never gone to school or gone on to college, except for the Lord.

His passion is sewing, tailoring and creating. He has been “sewing by hand” since he was seven!!! This morning, two nice new sewing machines came inside our container from Kathy and John Friedlund. Jean Edwouard got so excited with these sewing machines! He will be going back to college again for his “sewing education!” He wants to teach others to become seamstresses and tailors also!

Thanks to our friends who sent in the sewing machines, and other types of donations! We cannot thank you enough! We love you.


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A Stronghold in the Day of Trouble…

With many many missionaries leaving Haiti, sometimes we feel “abandoned” or overwhelmed. We always thought that our country, or some other country, or even the UN would send in a strong “force” with “overwhelming power” to combat these gangs and these evil people here. They are “demonic,” and nothing can change them…

Sometimes, we have felt “abandoned” by our own country, because we are here representing the United States, which is supposed to be the greatest country in the world. Although many missionaries have left because they had to, still there is a cluster that “tarry by the stuff.” We have learned to trust the Lord in the worst of times and to keep on doing what we are called. So, I just turned to this verse in Nahum… “The Lord is GOOD, a stronghold in the day of trouble; and He knoweth them that trust in Him.” – Nahum 1:7

We have a greater force “with us” that we “cannot see,” and we are accompanied round about with an innumerable accompaniment of angels! You may feel like you have been “abandoned” by someone, maybe that you love, but you are not alone!!! God is on our side! We love you and have a great day.


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Ginyia is just like any other little girl… She loves to play with dolls, but she is also a hard worker. Here she is, just finishing up washing dishes. (She also hand washes a lot of her own laundry!)

Ginyia loves “girly things,” dolls, hair-do’s, fingernail polish, etc. She loves jump rope, dolls, and pretty dresses for church! We believe her mother or father was from the Dominican Republic, but not much is known about them. Her mother died during a C-Section, and her father left for the Dominican Republic and never returned. She was raised by an older 17-year-old sister who could not go to school and take care of a baby, so they brought her to the Department of Social Services, and they brought her to us. She will be in 4th grade this year. One of her daily jobs is cleaning her room! She wants to be a nurse! The kids gave her a nickname… since she has a large forehead, they call her “Fon Ton Boulet!” That doesn’t bother her a bit! All kids here have nicknames!

She is a sweetie, and we love her dearly.


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