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Word from the Mission Field

“When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; what is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?” (Psalm 8: 3-4)

Oh, what a mighty God we serve! I took this picture of the moon last evening here in Haiti, around 8:30 p.m. Beautiful! When I look at the heavens, I believe! The moon is 238,855 miles from the earth. Sometimes farther as it is in an elliptical orbit around the earth.

Missionary Bobby Burnette

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Planning for the future!

Pastor Mark and his construction team have been working hard on our future housing for teams. This morning I was telling the guys what a great job they are doing. We are building in the middle of all the gangs, shooting, kidnapping, etc.

We want to be ready when this horrible storm passes. We want to invite you to come in the future to visit the sweet people of Haiti. The children will steal your heart! We want to be ready for you. You will have a life-changing experience. We want to see where your money and investment in His kingdom have gone.

Love is something you do!
Missionary Bobby Burnette

Thank you, Pastor Mark, and your Haitian construction crew. Your guys are the best!

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LAC TV Program “Loaves and Fishes” Begins Friday!

Love A Child traveled up the isolated mountains to the village of Bwa Pen and found many suffering families and starving children. Mothers toil all day, planting food, selling goods, and searching for scraps to feed their families; their children still suffer through the pains of hunger. Their children don’t know what it’s like to have one meal every day, sleep on a cozy bed, play with toys, or attend school. We came to deliver food and were able to provide much-needed hope and joy as well! God meets the needs of his people, and anything you give is multiplied to serve those in need.

We want to invite viewers around the world to tune in on Friday to Daystar Television Network at 6:30 p.m. (ET) and then throughout the week. You can also watch us on DirecTV, DISH Network, Christian Television Network, The Word Network, NRB, and many more local television stations. Check out our full schedule for the best way for you to tune in. You can also watch the program online through our Vimeo and YouTube channels or on our website under the “Media” tab.

Love is something you do!

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Word from the Mission Field

“Je-ho-vah- Ji-reh…” My Provider.

I am re-reading, again and again, the story of Abraham and Isaac, the son of “promise” and “the child born of a man 100 years old!” The child was the “miracle baby” of Abraham and Sarah. But yet, God wanted to “test” Abraham by seeing if “Abraham would obey God,” and sacrifice the thing he loved the most in the world… his “only son.” After the long trip up the mountain with his little son, “carrying the wood for the altar on which he would be killed,” Abraham never doubted God. He knew that if God had, he could raise Isaac from the dead! But, God didn’t have to. Just as the knife was about to come down on his son, Isaac, The Angel of the Lord stopped Abraham, Abraham looked through the thicket and saw a “ram in a bush.” God was saying, “I am Jehovah Jireh,” your provider!

Years ago in Haiti, when we were driving through the mountains with our team, our truck broke down in the “middle of nowhere.” We were thinking, “Wow! We are stuck out here in the middle of nowhere. Someone could come along and stick a gun to our heads and rob us, or kill us.” Just about that time, a brand-new Mitsubishi drove up… good news. Out jumped two men with jackets and gold chains around their necks and guns! Bad news.

They walked over to us and said, “Looks like you need help.” We looked at each other with disbelief. One guy went and got the biggest chain we have ever seen and hooked our truck to his “new expensive truck,” and pulled us out of the mountains to safety! We later found out that they were not robbers, but just guys with guns, looking to shoot some birds! At that time, God became our “provider!”

Today, if you are sick, if you are in trouble, if you are facing a conflict, God is still “Jehovah Jireh!” He never changes! He is the same God that provided a lamb for a sacrifice instead of Abraham’s son!!! He will do the same for you! Have a great day!!


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Update on Joseph

Joseph and his sister Sarah came from the mountains of Covant… very, very far away and a strenuous walk or mule ride! Both children had severe Kwashiorkor malnutrition. I didn’t think they would live, but God had a bigger plan.

Joseph is in a college called Canado Technique to learn to be a mechanic. He began by volunteering and doing simple jobs. “Joker,” our head Dominican Mechanic, is a genius… and he is very patient. Our young men, like Joseph, are learning how to fix and repair vehicles and generators. These are two items that break down constantly here in Haiti!

Joseph is sweet, kind and quiet. He is a hard worker and not afraid to get dirty or greasy! He loves God and he has his eyes set on making a living in the future. Who knows, he may get a job with Love A Child some day! We are proud of all of our children. We have one or two that need to “learn to work a little harder,” and we will give you an update on one of them soon.

Here’s a little story for you… Joseph and his sister Sarah used to be “typical teens,” and a little on the lazy side. Sometimes, they would sleep in when they were supposed to be up. So, I sent them back to “where they came from,” the mountains of Covant, for about a month! I sent them with Mr. Tony, who is the head of all of our schools. They had to climb a very steep mountain and live like the poorer Haitians lived. After about a month, I sent someone to “fetch them!”

What a big “life lesson” they learned! I have never had a problem with either one since!!! The Haitians say, “You must know where you came from, in order to know where you are going…” We love Joseph and his sister Sarah.


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Saving Lives…

Although our Birthing Center is not a Hospital, it provides valuable, good and safe care to poor Haitian mothers, who otherwise would have their baby “on the ground,” and in a mud hut using a “tin can lid” or a piece of sharp glass or knife to cut the cord.

This idea of having a Birthing Center started when we saw mothers starting to give birth on the ground of our Jesus Healing Center Clinic. Many mothers from the mountains stay home in their mud hut drinking “peanut oil” or “ginger tea” to make the birth come quickly. This makes the mother’s blood pressure go up! Often, if a mother starts bleeding, they will grab dirty rags from the corner of their mud hut to help pack the bleeding of the mother.

But now, mothers come each month to make sure their baby is healthy. They are delighted to see their baby on the Sonagram. When they arrive to give birth, they hear beautiful Christian music playing. The anxious father or relatives can sit on the porch in our rocking chairs while mom is having her baby in a clean atmosphere.

In the Woman’s Training Center they are taught how to feed their children when there is little food available. They receive the Gospel and Joyce Meyer Booklets to take home. Mothers are fed nutritious food here at our Birthing Center. We have wonderful doctors, “Utsey’s,” echographers, laboratory specialists, and many midwives. We have four well-equipped delivery laboratories and a neonatology room for premature babies.

Thank you partners… again, for saving lives.


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One Last Thought…

The Creole Proverb says, “Haitian blood is thicker than water…”

Florence is the sister of Julia, who passed away during childbirth a few days ago. (For those of you who are reading this for the first time, Julia was our lab tech at our Birthing Center. Florence was her “baby sister.” There were four children in the family. Julia died a few days ago during childbirth.)

Florence has been in Italy for about three years. She got a partial scholarship to a university there and studied Radiology. She is just lacking a thesis and her final exam to pass. In the meantime, her sister, Julia, died during childbirth (but the baby lived).

Florence has been trying to raise her own money to come to her sister’s funeral. She wrote me this morning, “Mom, Julia wasn’t just my sister; she was like a mother. When I finished High School, I moved in with her. She said, “Florence, I will never marry if you are in Haiti (because Haiti is a violent country now)…”

Julia had told her, “I would do anything to have you leave Haiti because it is a violent country. I will wait not to marry nor have children until you leave Haiti.”

That is why Julia married at an older age. She had waited until Florence was safe overseas and getting an education that could give her a job “out of Haiti.”

Florence feels partly responsible for Julia’s passing. What if she had married younger and tried to have the baby? We will never know. This was the great sacrifice that Julia made for her sister, Florence.

There are many things we do not understand in this life…

Why does God take the good people and leave most of the bad ones? I believe those loved ones were His all along… we just “borrowed them for a while.”

Florence’s round-trip ticket is over $2,000. She has raised 1200 euros, but she is on her way. Love A Child will raise the rest of the money. If you would like to help, please contact our office at 239-210-6107.

Another Note: Some of you know Widelene… She is one of the older girls at the orphanage (Children’s Home). She said, “Mom, I cannot look into the faces of any of my sisters, young or older… they just burst out crying.” These are some of the heartaches one experiences when raising children in a large orphanage. God will make a way. Thank you all for your prayers and the sweet thoughts you sent.

We love you all.

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“Who have I in Heaven but Thee.. there is none upon the earth, but Thee…” Psalm 73:25

This was David, praying unto the Lord. David was a warrior, and he could have easily defeated king Saul, his enemy. Because, as we all know, David had killed a lion and a bear, when he was just a teenager. Later, as he fought battles for king Saul, whom he loved, the “spirit of jealousy” came upon Saul, and he decided to kill David.

Although David was a mighty warrior, he could not kill Saul, simply because Saul was the anointed of the Lord. He would not even speak evil of Saul, unlike some Christians who tear each other down.

So David had to run, instead of fight. But David got tired of his battles. He must have felt that the “prophecy that Samuel had given” would never come to pass…

“David, I have anointed you king over Israel…”

He must have prayed this prayer, hiding in a cave from Saul… “Who have I in Heaven, but thee?”

Today, we all face battles… but “who have we in Heaven, but the Lord?” He has never changed. He has always been on our side… That battle that you are facing today, “who do you have in Heaven, but the Lord?”

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Lucson… A Little Blessing!

This little guy came all the way from “Covant,” and actually it is called Belle Fontaine. This is the highest and roughest place we have ever worked in. It takes four-wheel drives, mules and then “on foot” to get there. This is where Lucson’s parents lived… they were poor farmers. His mother died when he was born and his father could not take care of him because he already had four children to care for.

Lucson was just four days old when he was brought to us. He was a “little blessing.” He has to wear glasses, so he looks like a “little professor!” He loves reading, school, and is one of the best students in his class. He also knows a lot of Bible verses!!! (Probably more than me!) Lucson is mischievous, helpful, intelligent and super smart! He wants to be a doctor or a professor! What a cute little kid!


PS – His nickname is “Zorey…” which means “ears” in Creole!

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“You Can Lead a Snake to School, but Making Him Sit is Tough!”

This is a Haitian Creole Proverb. Haiti is run by proverbs of the old and wise…

Well, these are some of our Love A Child kids… I can see Yonel, Daniel, Fritzner, Raphael, Davidson, and a few more. They are on the “cleaning committee” for the Love A Child School. Their job is to clean all the walls, the floors, scrub everything down, and then paint! We are proud of our teenage boys and the older ones. They will work at any time and do a great job!

Education in Haiti is a priceless gift… Many cannot afford to send their children to school, because in most schools you have to pay. That is why we have the Love A Child School, we want to be a blessing to the poor.

We want to thank all our older boys who worked so hard cleaning and painting! Sometimes, I think our younger generation that is growing up in the States do not know the meaning of “work,” or the meaning of “to serve.” I wish we could bring them all to Haiti for a month!!!

Thank you, partners, for all your love and support.


PS: Oh yes, the “cleaning committee…” that’s me!

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