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Word from the Mission Field

PEACE WHICH PASSETH ALL UNDERSTANDING:   “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians[…]

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Lionel’s Condition…

When Lionel was much younger, we were called by someone concerned for a child, whose father had “held his hand in boiling water,” because he was angry at his son. This father not only held his young son’s hand in boiling water, but he “threw him out into the street.”[…]

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Today our second container of 272,000 Feed My Starving Children meals was unloaded in our Kingdom Connection Food Distribution Center warehouse! God bless Casimi who has nerves of steel. Today on the road coming out to us they tell me the Papaya gang (400 Mawozo) were again stealing vehicles and[…]

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A Little Joy in the Midst of Danger…

Haiti is in its roughest hour, more than ever before. Gangs are on the streets, with high-powered guns and are blocking roads and robbing the poor. The cost of food has risen so much. It was difficult for these mothers to make it to the Birthing Center, but they took[…]

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“Surely, I Come Quickly…” Lord Jesus – Rev. 22:20

We are living in a generation of evil. Most children have no respect for their parents, for those in authority, or for their teachers. I don’t know about you, but when I was in elementary school, we had a principal… a big and huge white lady, with her hair in[…]

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Still Waiting on Those Teeth!

Ti Samuel (Little Samuel) came to us at the age of two. It was Social Services that brought him to us. We heard that his mother was unable to care for him, but then we were also told that she died in childbirth. There was no comment on what happened to his father,[…]

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The Rock in the Sun…

11-month-old Kervensley is another product of the hunger that is circling Haiti each and every day. There are three children in Kervensley’s family, with a father. Kervensley’s mother, Madamn Mialine, is one of those mothers who sit in the rocky river bed and “chop and break” large rocks into smaller[…]

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Update: PTL! our container came in yesterday with 272,000 Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals on board! Nelio told me at 4:30 AM this morning that he believes another container will arrive today, maybe two containers. He said we would be pulling all the food containers out as soon as[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

It Doesn’t Matter if We Can’t See “Him.” In Mark, the 6th Chapter, 45-51, we see Jesus sending His disciples ahead and going into Beth-sa-i-da, while He went up into a mountain to pray. The disciples went by ship and while Jesus was praying, His disciples fell into the midst of a great[…]

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Food Has Arrived!

GOOD NEWS! PTL! Casimi made it through the gangs. Casimi was able to get our first container of 272,000 Feed My Starving Children meals to Love A Child today! Please pray! We have 12+ more containers to pull out of Customs. In all our years in Haiti, I’ve never seen[…]

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