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HAITI UPDATE:   Urgent Prayer: We have twelve “40-foot containers” from Feed My Starving Children in customs with 270,000 lifesaving meals inside each container. Casimi has not been able to bring them to Love A Child because of all the shootings between gangs, so there are many problems on the road.[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“A man of many companions may come to ruin, and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” Proverbs 18:24 A true friend is hard to find. We’ve all had friends whom we have been disappointed in. Friends who act like they love you very much to your face, but yet[…]

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Another Warm Story!

From Joel Trimble: “Meresianne Sainger is 74 years old and lives day to day growing and harvesting castor beans to produce castor oil, which she sells in the local open-air market. Meresianne lost her house during the earthquake nine months ago and now has a new house built and paid[…]

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Planning For The Future!  

Here is Mark and Jesse Ostrander with our Haitian “dream team” working on our future team and visitor housing. We are planning and working for the future. Right now, the gangs have taken over many areas, robbing, kidnapping, and shooting everywhere. With the fuel shortage, Haiti is in chaos. We[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“The Spirit of Discouragement.” We are living in a time of our life, when many, many are discouraged. It is an overwhelming force that overtakes you, even when you come to church. You can try to hide it with a dress, or makeup; you can try to hide it by “leaving”[…]

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Jean Richard Rises Above

It is very difficult for the poor in Haiti to survive, but it is even more difficult for a person with a disability. They are considered “worthless,” and many times they sink into despair. When the 2010 earthquake hit, it damaged and destroyed orphanages. One of these was for handicapped[…]

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The Story of Sophie Baptiste

“With patience, you will see the navel of the ant.” (A Haitian / Creole proverb.) Haitian Superstitions Endanger the Lives of the Unborn… Every day at our Birthing Center, all pregnant women are trained on precautions to take, and on things they should not consume during pregnancy. But Haitian mothers[…]

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Big Harvest!…

Wilner Exil is the head of our Agricultural Training Center (ATC) Sustainability Program. He and his crew, along with the students in our ATC program, are producing an abundance! The Lord is blessing our seed sown! Wilner wrote me this little note below… Yum, cabbage, tomatoes, spinach, and papaya for[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.” Joshua 1:9 — The Lord spoke this to Joshua, preparing him for the great work, which was ahead. I just feel so strong in my heart[…]

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Sandraline… “Pi-wi-li,” or “Lollipop!”

We call her “pi-wi-li,” which means “lollipop!” She was born in Croix des Bouquets, a couple of hours drive from us. When her mother died, her father was unable to care for her. He had a small job repairing bicycles in Port-au-Prince, in order to hire a woman to take[…]

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