Please pray a “fervent” prayer that we get a tanker load of diesel fuel as soon as possible! We are on the verge of running out of fuel for all our Love A Child projects and also for Jackson, who had to be on dialysis each night, all night long. It broke our hearts yesterday...
A Doorkeeper? It is amazing to me that sometimes Christians think of themselves as someone of greater importance than they are. They have never learned to serve. Bobby and I love Pastor Jentzen Franklin, not only because he is a great minister with a giving heart, but because he is so humble. It is not...
It had been a long, hot road up to the mountains of Covant... it started with our four-wheel drive, and then by foot, and then by mule. That was years ago. During a Mobile Clinic, a father came up to me with a "toddler" in his arms. I knew immediately he had "Kwashiorkor" malnutrition! The...
As most of you know, Sherry and I flew into Florida on Saturday evening. We have two doctors appointments this week and we meet with the board twice next week. This morning we had a ray of hope finding diesel fuel for Love A Child before we run dry, which would be an unbearable hardship...
There is a "critical fuel shortage crisis" in Haiti. Very little fuel can be found in the country. Nearly all gas stations are closed! Where we live, we have no electricity, like people have in other countries. We have to run everything off our two big diesel generators! We really need your prayers here at...
FIVE LOAVES AND TWO LITTLE FISHES! "Jesus went up into a mountain and sat there with his disciples… Jesus lifted up his eyes and seen a great multitude come unto him. There were 5,000 men not including women and children.” John 6:3-5 There was a little boy who had five loaves and two fishes, whom...
This is Dimelia, one of our older Love A Child children. Her life drastically changed one day when she was about five. She was with her mother who was boiling a large pot of water over an open fire. Dimelia somehow fell in and got badly burned before they could pull her out. From her...
"Seek the Lord While He May be Found... Call Upon Him While He is Near." Isaiah 55:6 The Haitian Christian people are very strong people. They are survivors! Their "strength" comes from the Lord. They will not miss a church service, no matter what. In the midst of shortages of food, diesel for the tap...
“Don’t Look Back…” “But his wife looked back from behind him and became a pillar of salt.” Genesis 19:26 What a sad scripture… The Lord had told Lot to get his whole family out of Sodom and Gomorrah because He was going to destroy it by fire. The only commandment the Lord had told Lot...
Here we are with Florence at the Santo Domingo Airport helping her check in because she is flying back to Italy today where she attends college. She had returned to Haiti to attend her sister Julia‘s funeral. It was a sad week, but oh we enjoyed being with Florence. Mark Ostrander left for his plane...