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The Story of “New Letant…” and Their Struggles 

This is the village of “New Letant” in Haiti. This village actually was a village of mud huts down by Lake Azuei, about a 10-minute drive from Love A Child. These people used to live by the lake in mud huts… We had actually built each one a nice home[…]

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Here is another warm story

Madama Veinsil waits on the goat path each day asking for food. She has a stalk of sugarcane to beat on a rock trying to drink the juice to live one more day. Hubert, who gives out the food for Love A Child, saw her on the goat path and[…]

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LAC TV Program “Boots on the Ground RR” Begins Friday!

The earthquake that struck Haiti on August 14, 2021, killed hundreds and injured thousands, leaving them with no food or shelter in the face of a tropical storm. With an airplane, cargo ship, helicopter, and several trucks, the Love A Child staff delivered thousands of bags of rice and beans[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Accustomed to Being Bound…” I don’t believe any one of us could ever appreciate the great burden Moses had of leading the children of Israel out of Egypt. God had spoken to Abraham (Abram) and told him that the children of Israel, the seed of Abraham, would be in bondage for[…]

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He Almost Got Left Behind

When we first started our Love A Child Children’s Home, we began in a small, rented house that had two floors. We started with four children, then we had eight, and so on. We were told that we could not take any more children in until we got a larger[…]

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A Home for the Weary

What took this woman years to build, was destroyed on the morning of August 14, 2021, by the earthquake that shook Haiti. Hers is just one of the many stories we heard during our relief efforts. She didn’t have the resources to rebuild what was taken from her, but together[…]

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Old Letant is rejoicing!

Yesterday afternoon we distributed Feed My Starving Children (FMSC) meals to 243 families in Old Letant. They were very happy! We not only distributed boxes of food to 243 families, which will last them for about a month, but we also cooked all the children a hot delicious meal. Oh,[…]

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There Will Always be Giants…

We may think “just because the Lord has made us a promise” that the way to that promise would be easy. But “there will always be giants in the land.” From the story of Moses sending out spies to “check out” the promised land to the story of young David[…]

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Update on Djonsly 

Djonsly, the young man with the cancer in his eye, is doing well. You may remember that Djonsly came to us with his eye hanging out of its socket. We were able to get him to a wonderful hospital in Miami. Even though he had lost the sight in his[…]

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The blind lady has a new house!!!

Praise report: The first earthquake hit the first time on August 14th, 2021. The second earthquake hit Monday, Jan 24th. The little blind Grandma lost her house in the first earthquake. Her granddaughter saved her life when her house fell in on her. You can see the picture here. I[…]

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