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Supplies For Earthquake Victims

GOOD NEWS REPORT! THE BUS MADE IT! The bus we loaded yesterday with all the tents, tarps, warm blankets, diapers, plus much more, made it safely through Martissant and the 400 Mawozo (Papaya Gang). Praise the Lord!! Thank you for praying! Today, Hubert and our crew are passing out more[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Life is short, so make every day count.” The generation we are living in today is a generation who thinks only of themselves. To many, there is no God so there is no judgment, and everyone can do their own thing. This would not be bad if the “Word of[…]

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Jonas… Had Never Had a “Hug.”

Jonas, we don’t really know how old he is, but we know he was a restavek slave child. We found Jonas when we were doing a “Food Distribution” in the mountains. We saw a little boy working hard with a big “Haitian hoe,” in the heat of the sun. He[…]

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The Big Bus is on its Way!

This morning about 8:00 am, a big bus came in all the way from Nippes department of south Haiti. They had to come from the dangerous area of Martissaint, one of the most dangerous areas of Haiti. After that, he had to go through the area where the “Papaya Gangs”[…]

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More Earthquake Relief Distribution Updates

Through Hubert and crew, we are putting up more tents every day in the Nippes department of south Haiti. This latest earthquake has affected so many families. It destroyed 900 homes plus. We are all distributing food every day. Plus, we are building our Gabion houses every day… Thank you![…]

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Word from the Mission Field

We are the hands and feet of Jesus… “If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, and one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth[…]

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Bianca – Moomoon

She is a beautiful and sweet young lady, in her last year of High School here in Haiti. Bianca is intelligent, and always reading and studying French. She is one of the best students in her class. Her favorite “sister” to hang with here at the Children’s Home is Daniella.[…]

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From houses lost and tents given again

As many of you know, a heavy earthquake hit again in the Nippes department, Anse-à-Veau, and surrounding areas on Monday, January 24th. This is right where we are building our Gabion houses. Not one of our houses fell! We had passed out tents and food there before, from the August[…]

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Djonsly’s Visa

We have been working for several months on Djonsly’s Visa. He has cancer and needs another operation. All his medical needs will be fully covered once he reaches the US but getting a “Visa Appointment” is very difficult. We have sent in all the paperwork required of us, the first[…]

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LAC TV Program “God Has More Miracles” Begins Friday!

Love A Child’s Mobile Medical Clinics are a lifeline for the people of Haiti. Ailments that would be easily treated in the US can become severe problems by the time we arrive in these rural villages… Simple wounds become septic without antibiotics, burns become infected without treatment, malnutrition becomes life-threatening[…]

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