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Earthquake Update

Bobby and Sherry were just able to reach us by phone with an update on the latest earthquake. It occurred in an area called Anse-A-Veau in the Nippes department of south Haiti. This is where Hubert lives! He had left home this morning on his way to the Gabion houses[…]

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A Good Samaritan

From a country of deep despair comes this heartwarming story of Christian compassion. Yesterday, Bobby and Sherry received this story from Watson, their videographer, of what Hubert, our guy who is helping to distribute aid in south Haiti, came upon in the “forgotten” remote interior of south Haiti. “Today remains[…]

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URGENT! We just got word that another 5.3 earthquake has just happened in the very area where we are still helping people recover from the last earthquake which occurred just a few months ago. This new earthquake is essentially in the same area as the previous one and is just[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Then said David to the Philistine, Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear, and with a shield: but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of host.” 1 Samuel 17:45 Some of you may be facing a giant in your life today, and[…]

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Lomene, Our Little Chef

Only God could take a little girl out of a horrible life of being a slave child, taking care of two families, and give her “life’s desire” to become a professional chef! We rescued Lomene when she was about 7 years old and brought her to our orphanage. She worked[…]

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Sharing Our Food

Last Saturday we had a food distribution for over 100 missionaries and organizations. The roads between Love A Child and the airport area are full of the “Papaya Gang.” This is the gang that recently abducted the 17 missionaries and killed so many people on the road, and stole vehicles. Therefore,[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Bogged Down.” I’ve always hated walking in deep, gooey mud, especially without boots. Years ago, when we first began working in Haiti, we would often come to the mountains during the rainy season. Our vehicles were always breaking down and many times, we ended up walking in deep, gooey mud. In those[…]

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Update on Fabienne

Fabienne’s mother worked for us at our old, run-down, first orphanage. She brought her little girl, Fabienne, to work each day. A problem arose and we had to let her mother go… but she left Fabienne behind. That was good for us. Fabienne has always been a sweet, giggling “girly[…]

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Food Distribution in Lierve, Nippes

These food pictures came in last evening from Lierve, Nippes, South Haiti, in one of the areas where the earthquake hit. Hubert (in the blue shirt) and the people are working hard distributing our rice, beans, and cooking oil. Some families have to eat dirt, among others, to fill their[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Nothing Is Too Hard For God!” What a story in 1 Kings 18:19-35… The Prophet Elijah was certainly a “character,” and you wouldn’t want to make him mad! Ahab was King of Israel, and they were serving Baal, a false god. Elijah gathers the entire nation together for a battle of[…]

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