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Word from the Mission Field

“When Enough is Enough” Tired of fighting those battles? Does it seem like “you win one, you lose one?” The enemy’s plan is to tire us out so that we will give up, but we can never “give up.” Ephesians 6 tells us about our “battle.” We learn that we are never,[…]

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Update on Nelson

It was about 5:30 AM this morning when I had to go outside and let our dog Sampson out. There was little Nelson, working hard, cleaning the truck, and giving it a super ”spit-shine!” He was very particular with his work, and when I told him what a good job[…]

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Jasson and Dieuferly Leave for the Dominican Republic

Early this morning, Jasson (Jackson) and Dieuferly left for the Dominican Republic, accompanied by Philimond, the best driver we have ever had, and the safest. We were “very concerned” about them crossing the Dominican Republic border because we had heard that 10,000 Dominican Soldiers were sent to secure the border[…]

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Sharing Our Food …

We love sharing our food, especially in horrific times like these, here in Haiti. Due to gang violence, mothers and fathers have a hard time feeding their own children. But what about the children who have lost their parents? We met the Association of Famns (women) many years ago. They[…]

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We have all felt that way some time or another in our lives! It’s when the enemy comes in with such force, that it feels like a hurricane… You can’t seem to catch your breath and then, you take another hit! You may be thinking that the enemy has you[…]

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Update on Yonel (Lionel)

Yonel’s story is a sad one… Most everyone knows what happened to him when he was very young (about eight or nine years old). For some reason, his real father had been “extremely angry” with him… and held his hand in boiling water. A burn from boiling water is most[…]

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Sharing Our Food with the Hungry

Each month, we share food with over 100 other missionary organizations that come here. This last time, only about half of the organizations could make it, due to all the gang violence in the streets, roadblocks, and burning tires. However, they are still coming little by little, as the roads[…]

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“Saving Little Lives…”

“And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name, receiveth me.” Matt 18:5 These are some cuties from our Malnutrition Center Clinic. I never understood how “expensive” it would be to have a Malnutrition Center Clinic, but the Lord told us to build one! There are certain employees[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

Part two: The rest of the story. Joseph was brought from the pit into Egypt then sold as a slave into Potiphar’s house. “And the Lord was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man: and he was in the house his master the Egyptian”. Genesis 39: 2 Potiphar saw the wisdom of[…]

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Please Pray…

The 17 missionaries with five children, including an 8-month old baby, 16 Americans, and one Canadian, have not been released yet. Our hearts are torn for the missionaries, their families back home, and their organization, Christian Aid Ministries. Tomorrow and Tuesday are two big Voodoo holidays here in Haiti. This[…]

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