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Two Men and a Hooker!

Whenever you have a need in your life, or when you are in trouble and need a miracle, always remember that the Lord can use whoever He wants to bless you and get you out of a bad situation. You may be looking for an “Angel,” but God might send[…]

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A Charging Rhino With Fingernail Polish!

Jolina is growing up fast and doing well in Junior High! She understands that her father was killed in the mountains where she was born, and she understands that her mother could not take the stress of taking care of her and nine other children without a father. A relative[…]

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Update / Prayer Alert

Today, Pastor Mark was supposed to fly into Haiti. He and Bryon, from The Mission Church, are “mission critical” to our projects and they take turns coming to Haiti. But, this morning we had Pastor Mark cancel his flight to Haiti. We were supposed to have 103 organizations come out[…]

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Thank you, Mission Church from Palm Bay, Florida, for all the emergency supplies and tents you sent in for the earthquake victims. Pastor Mark and Evie Ostrander and all your church folks, we love you! The earthquake families will be really thankful. Love is something you do! Bobby and Sherry

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Word from the Mission Field

In times like these: This country of Haiti is on the brink of total collapse due to the gangs and political problems. I watch the news here from America and it’s hard to believe what is happening. Our country is changing completely. I look at other countries and what they[…]

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Sometimes, They Just Wait for Death

In Haiti, many poor Haitians believe in leaf medicine, not understanding that harm can follow. Many of the poor mothers do not know the importance of a hospital or clinic, and unfortunately, many believe that going to a witch doctor is the only answer. Little 6-year-old Dorvenson comes from high[…]

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Kidnapping Update

Dear Friends, This is a critical prayer request. Bobby went to church with the kids here on our property and asked me to update you on the kidnapping that took place yesterday. Many of you have probably heard by now that these were American missionaries traveling in a van with three children. At about[…]

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Word from the Mission Field

“Shame is Heavier than a Sack of Salt.” (A Haitian Creole Proverb). Have you ever done something that made you “ashamed?” If you have never been in this position, you cannot realize how people feel and the load they are carrying. The Haitians say, “Shame is heavier than a sack of salt.” There is[…]

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Distributing Tents on Cayimite Island

This report came to me today. The island of Cayimite is off the mainland of Haiti. These precious people were not forgotten. Today Hubert brought them 41 tents to live and get in out of the rain. The families were vetted ahead of time and who really needed tents. These[…]

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Calling Dr. Roselyne

Dr. Roselyne? Well, she “looks like” a doctor! Roselyne is in college here in Haiti, to become a doctor.  She is from the mountains of Haiti from a poor family. They brought her to one of our Mobile Clinics because her legs were crooked. At that time, there were no[…]

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