“Thou hast turned for me my mourning into dancing…” Psalm 30:11 Sometimes, after overwhelming grief, it may seem impossible to smile or laugh again. In fact, you may find yourself feeling “guilty” if you are laughing, instead of mourning or being sad. But in all things, a time will come when we must “let go”...
At about the age of three, Dumolia’s father appeared at our orphanage with his young daughter. Dumolia (Dimelia) had been badly burned a while back when she fell into a pot of boiling hot water. But her scars left her unable to turn her head from side to side and unable to lift her arms....
These little sweeties are from Love A Child Schools in Miracle Village and Old Letant. The children took a break from their rough life to enjoy a stuffed animal! They laughed and giggled!!! They will go home, some to small simple houses, built after the 2010 earthquake and some will go home to mud huts....
Conclusion of "The Rat Shack" Now, it's been 13 days fasting in the rat shack… cold, broke, and trying to kill the rats that were trying to crawl into bed with me. The book, "Atomic Power with God," said that usually around 13 days of fasting, a person will start seeing visions or maybe even...
Sandraline, what a sweetie! I have always called her, "pi-wi-li," which means, "lollipop!" Sandraline was born in Croix-des-Bouquets, a large town, which now is full of gangs. Her mother died a short time after she was born; her father made a small living by repairing bicycle tires in order to hire a woman to care...
Many people live in hunger in Haiti and often old people do. This is the case of Mr. Ulisioner Fils Aimé, who lives in the locality of Lierve, in Petit Trou de Nippes. He collects small pieces of wood every day and puts them on his back and walks for hours to sell them, and...
"When we give food, we are giving unto Jesus!" Matt 25:40 Thankful people receiving their monthly food in the La Souse area! One person from the family comes to pick up their monthly food. Sherry always has the women come. She doesn't have the men come for a reason. Each box of Feed My Starving...
Was the Lord in the rat shack? When I found the shack, with a lot of the windows broken out, I knew it was where I would fast and pray for 21 days and night on water. I was cold, broke, and the rats were trying to crawl into bed with me. I stayed right there,...
To those of you who knew the shy, stuttering, and sweet Georges, he looks completely different in his “Wedding Announcement!” But, Georges will always be Georges! He is marrying an adorable sweetie named Agoustine, and he has known her for a long time. “Love is in the Air!” They will be married on April 9th!...
We are excited to announce that a brand new donor has pledged a $100,000 donation as a matching gift. The gift will match dollar for dollar other donations given to this challenge. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO GIVE TO THIS CHALLENGE, PLEASE HURRY BECAUSE THIS CHALLENGE WILL END ON EASTER OF THIS YEAR – APRIL...