In Haiti, many poor Haitians believe in leaf medicine, not understanding that harm can follow. Many of the poor mothers do not know the importance of a hospital or clinic, and unfortunately, many believe that going to a witch doctor is the only answer. Little 6-year-old Dorvenson comes from high in the mountains of Peyi...
Dear Friends, This is a critical prayer request. Bobby went to church with the kids here on our property and asked me to update you on the kidnapping that took place yesterday. Many of you have probably heard by now that these were American missionaries traveling in a van with three children. At about 1:30 pm, everyone on the "Missionary Page"...
"Shame is Heavier than a Sack of Salt." (A Haitian Creole Proverb). Have you ever done something that made you "ashamed?" If you have never been in this position, you cannot realize how people feel and the load they are carrying. The Haitians say, "Shame is heavier than a sack of salt." There is a certain area in Haiti...
This report came to me today. The island of Cayimite is off the mainland of Haiti. These precious people were not forgotten. Today Hubert brought them 41 tents to live and get in out of the rain. The families were vetted ahead of time and who really needed tents. These pictures brought tears to my...
Dr. Roselyne? Well, she “looks like” a doctor! Roselyne is in college here in Haiti, to become a doctor. She is from the mountains of Haiti from a poor family. They brought her to one of our Mobile Clinics because her legs were crooked. At that time, there were no really good specialists in this...
More meals are being passed out in Bwahaha de Mye. Everyone is thankful! Thank you to our friends. What a joy to help others. Matthew 25:40 We are doing it unto Jesus! Missionary Bobby Burnette
These mothers are so, so happy to have a nice clean, beautiful place to have their baby! They all say, "this place makes me feel rich!" I can understand why they say that... many of these mothers do not have a bed to sleep on, they have no clothing to put on their baby and they are not near a...
As many of you know, Haiti has been in political turmoil for the last two years. There is no "law and order," because either the police are outnumbered, or they are part of the gangs! Each day we are here, it is like playing "Russian Roulette" to see if we come back from a trip...
Thank you... every day we deliver Feed My Starving Children food to many villages. "Sou Moulen" was one of these villages. 30,240 meals were delivered here. Our workers have been taking meals to at least 4 to 6 areas per day, bringing food. The little children's eyes light up when they see the "Ti Pa...
Samuel is an “easy-going” kid! He is now six! His mother brought him to Social Services because his father died and she did not want to be burdened with him. Samuel doesn’t like to go to sleep. He tries to stay up all night. He loves to sing, but he sings loud and off-key and...